
354 9 21

Oliver's Traits: Headcanon
Reader's Traits: None
Closeness: Best Friends
Relationship: Study buddies!
Other Casts: Fukase, friend; Flower, friend
Fluff Meter: 5/10
Fanservice Meter: 3/10



So basically, I said I will continue writing oneshots after exams, which is the 25th October. Man, I completely forgot, and I'm incredibly sorry eek- I was just messing around with UTAU and being in my Deltarune/Undertale phase again aaa-

This was sitting in my drafts since exams started so yeah

I hope yalls enjoy!!

Everyone was seated at their desk.

The desks, once arranged with six groups consisting of five, were now scattered evenly throughout the class, in columns of 5 and rows of 6.

It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

No one was talking; they weren't allowed to.

Instead, their minds were fixated on the paper that was in front of them.

At the front of the class, wrote "YEAR END EXAM, MATHEMATICS, 7:30 - 9:30 (2 HOURS)"

They looked at the paper for a while, and began writing away.

I, on the other hand, was trying to figure out what the 14th question was asking for.

"Do we calculate the perimeter of the ones who overlap, or not?"

I looked at my watch.


I only have 30 minutes left...!

I'm at the last question anyway, so it should take time.

It finally clicked.

I pulled out my calculator and began typing away.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Okay everyone, time's up."

A few people who have fallen asleep woke up from their slumber.

"Please stop writing, and kindly pass your papers to the back of the class."

After all 30 sets of stapled papers were sent behind the teacher's table, the teacher's voice piped up again.

"And with that, you all can head out to recess."

"Thank you teacher!"

After thanking the teacher, the ruckus continued, louder than usual.

"What did you put for question number 3?"

I just ignored everyone and went to the very back of the class, retrieved my bag and gave a sigh of relief.

"It's over~" I heard someone creep up behind me and whisper those two words into my ear. Startled, I turned around and nearly hit a certain playful redhead on his neck with my very very light bag due to there only being 3 maths revision books.

"Fukase!" I playfully lectured him. Hey, gotta fight fire with fire, right? "Don't scare me like that! Do you want me to whack you with this crazy heavy bag of mine?"

"It doesn't look very heavy," and with that, he pretty much snatched the bag from me.

"Hey! Give that back! I have food in there!" I attempted to grab my bag back. Unfortunately, he raised his arm making the bag awfully hard to reach.

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