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Oliver's Traits: Headcanon
Reader's Traits: Sick
Closeness: Just Met
Relationship: Roommates
Other Casts: None
Fluff Meter: 7/10
Fanservice Meter: 5/10

Hey yalls!! Sorry for not updating for so long, I've been reaaaally busy with my school work. I've also been really unmotivated honestly for no apparent reason. pLUS, Wattpad has been deleting a lot of my drafts for no apparent reason.


So, I don't really know what to write, and I think this has less of quality.

Regardless, I hope yalls enjoy!

"Patient no. 337. You have been getting much better, so you can leave now."

I watched in envy as the person I've been talking to for so long in the hospital get up and walk to the counter enthusiastically.

She waved at me and smiled.

But I guess it's fine, I can still keep myself entertained by reading or drawing. Maybe I can talk to my imaginary friends again.

But not now; I'm too tired. I think I will sleep now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was awoken by screams in the night.

Screams that I have heard every day, but still haven't gotten used to.

Things like "we're losing him!" and "he's in bad condition!" echoed through the hallways.

I was morbidly curious to know about the situation outside my ward, but I didn't need to try to look out to see what was happening. They burst into my ward, talking about the well-being of the patient.

I looked at the bloodied mess beside me while lying on my bed. The somewhat comfortable bed suddenly felt stone cold as my stomach grew sick.

I tried to sleep, but so many things were on my mind at that time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


That's what the clock read.

But honestly, I lost track of time, worrying about the boy beside me, who was on the verge of losing his breath all night.

Fell off a building, that's what his parents said.

The light flicked on, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Time for breakfast, everyone!" The nurse told us.

"Miss Luka," I started, looking directly at the nurse as she stopped to give me my meal. "is the boy beside me going to be alright?"

I pointed at the white curtains that separated me with the boy.

"Ah... that..." Luka thought for a while. "Well, his condition has calmed down since he got sent into this ward, so I really, really hope so."

After she left I felt those curtains I pointed to move.

It moved a little more, and eventually...

Out poked a face.

A face with blonde hair, amber eye.

A face with bloodied bandages covering his other eye.

"Hey there! I'm Oliver, and I'm bored."

I jumped.

He's not supposed to get up 12 hours after an accident...?!

"Are you crazy?!" I screeched in panic. "You're not supposed to leave the bed 24 hours after you get rushed in or- or-"

Vocaloid Oliver x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now