Raya Special

505 16 101

Oliver's Traits: Headcanon
Reader's Traits: Shy-ish
Closeness: In a relationship :0
Relationship: Schoolmates
Other Casts:
- Flower (minor role)
- Fukase (minor role)
- Piko (minor role)
- "Aliyah" (major role)
Fluff Meter: 7/10
Fanservice Meter: 3/10

Happy Raya yalls!

I hope you ate a lot today after lots of fasting-

Actually I don't think majority of my readers here are Muslim at all-

Same honestly- I'm not Muslim.

I just know about it because I live in a Muslim country and most of my friends are Muslim.

Basically Raya is like,, the start of the 10th month of the calendar? I think-

A month before Raya Muslims will fast and then what's best about it is the Ramadhan bazaar aDMIT IT YALLS

that's the good food uwu 👌

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story and I'm so sorry for ruining your day uwu-

"You're invited!
Come to my open house
At my house on Raya, 12pm - 5pm

- Aliyah"

I read the invitation that my friend, Aliyah just gave me.

Well, I guess I'll go, as a sign of respect.

Wait! There's more little text written below.

"PS bring Oliver ;)"

I sighed. This was gonna be one hell of a ride.

This was supposed to be a holy month what the hell Aliyah.

You guys didn't even need to write invitations, just announce it that's all. Why even write an invitation Aliyah-

I stared at the paper again, taking in the 'details' that weren't details.

Well, I better tell Oliver.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I waited for Oliver during recess to tell him.

I saw him walking in the distance, in the sun. I waved to him, signaling that he'd sit next to me.

He waved back and ran here.

Damn that guy is fast.

But he definitely wasn't athletic.

By the time he reached my seat he was already panting.

"I-I'm here-" Oliver took in a few deep breaths.

"Next time, don't run here unless you're less than 5 metres away from here." I semi-lectured, semi-joked.

He smiled sheepishly.

Oh god he's so cute.

I turned my head away from him in embarassment for a while. I mustered up the courage to talk straight to him without a red face, and broke the news to him.

Vocaloid Oliver x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now