Chapter 5

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I woke up the next morning thinking about what happened last night. he loves me... HE LOVES ME! honestly I couldn't believe it, its almost to good to be true but I also know that it has to be true...



"yes Feliciano?"

"how do I know this isn't a dream? that this really happened?" Ludwig thinks for a moment then leaves. when he came back he had something in his hands. "this is a cross pendant. I um... got it for you and almost forgot... but now its proof that this isn't a dream." he put the pendant around my neck and I smiled. this was the happiest night of my life!

*end of flashback*

I got dressed and looked down at the pendant Ludwig gave me. my proof that it wasn't a dream... I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by a certain someone's loud voice "FELICIANO VARGAS, COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST NOW BEFORE IT GETS FUCKING COLD!" I was suddenly glad that we were on a hill top and didn't really have neighbors that could be disturbed by that... "be right down fratello!" I hurriedly got dressed and was almost out the door before I stopped and put in the pendant. couldn't forget to put that on now could I? I quickly ran downstairs and into the kitchen where I instantly smelled the cent of eggs and bacon and toast. "wow fratello breakfast looks amazing!" he gave me an angry look "breakfast has been amazing for about five minutes now what took you so long?" I sat down at the table "I was just thinking" he sat down next to me "about what?"

"last night"

"oh have you broken up with the German?"

"no! I already told you I love him! and last night he said that he loves me too..." Lovino shot up out of his chair and slammed his hands against the table "HE SAID WHAT?!?!" I kinda slouched down in my chair. I knew he might be upset but I didn't think this upset! "he said he loves me... and then he gave me this pendant..." I lifted up the pedant a little bit to show him. he still seemed really mad. I could have sworn I saw fumes coming out of his ears "THIS IS FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE! NO WAY IS SOME GERMAN IN LOVE WITH MY BROTHER! AND YOUR NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM!" I started to cry a little. how could my brother say something like that? I really do love him and he loves me! why can't Lovino see that? "b-but I do l-love him..." I closed my eyes tight hoping my brother hadn't seen my tears yet. I'm guessing he did because in the next second I felt his arms around me. "I'm sorry Feli... please don't cry! I just don't trust the basturd" I looked up at him "you don't even know him! how can you not trust him?"

"Because I don't know him. I've met the guy one time how am I support to know he won't hurt you?" I thought about this for a second. How can I get Lovino to trust Ludwig? "I've got it!" my brother looked at me with confusion "got what?"

"an idea on how you can learn to trust Ludwig! or at least meet him!"


"Ludwig could come over for dinner then you can meet him and see how great he is!" Lovino looked at me like I was insane. so I decided to give him puppy dog eyes and say "please fratello! at least meet him!"

"ugh! fine! he can come over!"

"yay! Grazie Fratello!" I ran over to call Ludwig. This night was going to be amazing!

Authors note: I'm so sorry for not updating in a while but I promise I'll post chapter six today! thanks for reading! :)

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