Chapter 7

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

"Fratello? could you please try to be nice to Ludwig? at least for tonight?" I'm really nervous about tonight... what if things don't go well. What if Ludwig and Lovino hate each other! I love my brother and I love Ludwig, I don't want the two people I love in the world to hate each other! "Why the hell should I be nice to that basturd?"

"He's not a basturd! Seriously what has he ever done to you?" He gave me an annoyed look, "He's German and he's related to that bird-loving basturd Gilbert!" I gave him a confused look "How do you know Ludwig's brother?" He sighed and looked at me, "He's Antonio's friend and trust me HE'S a basturd!"

"You say everyone's a basturd!"

"Because everyone is!"

"Maybe Ludwig isn't!" *knock* *knock* Before Lovino could answer back he was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Ludwig's here! Please be nice to him!" All he did was groan while I left to answer the door. I smiled when I opened the door and saw Ludwig. "Ciao Ludwig!" he smiled back at me "Hi Feli may I come in?"

"Of course!" I moved and motioned for him to come inside "Please, come in~" He walked inside and I closed the door and followed. Lovino was sitting on the couch and when he saw Ludwig he gave him a scowl. "Nice to see you too Lovino" Lovino just jumped off the couch. "How the FUCK do you know my FUCKING name!"

"Gilbert told me" Lovino just sat back down and murmured, "Stupid bird-loving basturd." I suddenly remembered the food and started toward the kitchen "I almost forgot about the food! I'll be right back! you two just sit and talk OK?" I then left for the kitchen.

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

Why? Why did he leave me alone with Lovino? It's not like I hate the guy, I just don't know what his problem is with me? Either way I came here to earn his trust so I might as well start now. "Um Lovino?" he looked at me with a scowl, "What do you want basturd?" I took a deep breath. This would be easier if he would stop calling me basturd. "Vell since I came here to earn your trust how may I do so? How can I get you to trust me?" He looked at me like I surprised him. But that look only lasted for a second then his frown came back. "If you really want my trust then prove to me your worthy of my little brother. Prove to me that his heart will never be broken because of you!" As if on cue at that exact moment Feli came into the room. "Hey! dinners ready!" I smiled at him "Danke Feli ve vill right there." He smiled and left back into the kitchen. How could he think that I would, or even could, ever make Feli cry. I stood up and looked at Lovino right in the eyes "I promise right here right now that I vill never make Feliciano cry, und I vill kill whoever does." I then left the room and sat at the table next to Feli with Lovino sitting on the other side if him. I looked at what Feli made for dinner... "you made pasta and vorst?" He smiled and I could have sworn I saw a tiny blush on his face. "si I wanted to make something you would like! do you like it?" I took a bite. It's really good! "Ja it's good! you really are an amazing cook Feli!"

"Grazie Ludwig!"

                   ::time skip::

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

It was after dinner and I was walking Ludwig to his car, "Ludwig? I have a question."

"Ja Feli?"

"Was my fratello nice to you when I left you two alone?"

"Feli I'm going to be honest vith you. I don't think he'll ever be nice to me. But I found a vay to earn his trust." He did? I thought for sure that Lovino would do his best to never trust him... "Really? How?" He looked me straight in the eye, " All I have to do is protect you and make sure you never cry." That's all it took? Well I know Ludwig is going to earn His trust now! He would never let me down! "Well that should be easy right? I know nothing will ever hurt me as long as your here!" He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back melting into our magical kiss. We finally broke apart when we really needed air. "That's right, you vill never be injured in any vay as long as I'm here. I promise!" he then got in his car and left. I really do love Ludwig and I know I'll be safe with him.

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