Chapter 14

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

"What do you mean I'm in danger? what's wrong?" I was so scared. did this have anything to do with the car from yesterday? He must have noticed how scared I was because he hugged me. "Don't vorry! As long as I'm here they vill never hurt you!" I hugged him back. "Grazie, I know that you'll protect me!" We broke apart and walked to the living room where we sat and cuddled.

  ::Time skip to somewhere else::

Lovino's p.o.v.:

"No! For the last fucking time I'm not telling you!" I've been sitting at my desk for 2 hours now listening to this douche bag blabber on about information I have. "Sir we have tried asking politely bu-"

"Politely? POLITELY! You fucking tried to run over my brother now leave before my men make you!" He just looked at me then calmly headed for the door, but before he left he said one last thing "Give us the information or your brother WILL pay the price!" And he left. Damn. Sometimes its hard to be a Mafia boss...

I was sitting in my office thinking about the info they want when someone knocked on my door. *knock* *knock* "Come in and it better be fucking good!" I looked at the door and saw a certain Spaniard. "Hola Lovi~" I sighed at the mention of the 'pet name' he gave me. "What do you want Toni?" He came over and leaned on my desk "Just wanted to see my favorite Italian! You seem stressed lately an I wanted to help~" He came over and kissed my cheek. Why of all times did he choose now to flirt? Oh well, as long as he wants to I might as well play along! I use my index finger to move his head toward mine and kissed him passionately. He then picked me up and sat down so I was on his lap and he kissed me passionately with one hand on my back and the other in my hair. His thumb brushed my curl making me moan into the kiss giving him entrance. Before we could go any further though, (like we both wanted to), I leaned forward and we fell out of the chair.

"Damn it!" Even though I fell on Antonio it still hurt! "Hey Lovi?" I looked down at him "What?"

"Wanna continue at my place?"

"Fuck yes, but if you tell anyone I'll kill you!" I got up and helped him up and we left while he did a little laugh. Tomato loving basturd.

                 ::else where::

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I was cuddling with Ludwig on the couch still worried about the whole 'your in danger' thing, but I don't need to worry though right? I mean I have Ludwig to protect me! I'm still scared though... what if something happens when Ludwig isn't there? I look at Ludwig and notice he's asleep. He's so cut when he's asleep~ I know! I'll go to the store and buy him some of his favorite German beer as a thank you for protecting me gift!

I kiss his forehead and whisper in his ear. "I'm going out but I'll be back soon mi amore~" I then get up and leave for the store grabbing my jacket before I go. I hope Ludwig likes his gift!

                   ::Time skip::

I was walking back to Ludwig's house when suddenly I feel something on the back of my head. "Get in the car or I shoot!" I froze and dropped the beer. "W-why?" He bumped what I'm assuming is a gun on the back of my head "Just do it!"

"O-ok" I got in the car and started to cry silently. Save me Ludwig! I need you!

Author's note: SpainxRomano fluff! yay and I hoped you like it! Thanks for reading!

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