Chapter 12

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

*Ludwig's Dream*

"FELICIANO!" I ran to grab him and pull him back but I was too late and the car hit him. I stood there as I saw the aftermath... Just Feli laying there bleeding... dying... I run over and hold him "Feli! Feli! please don't leave me! help will be here soon just don't die!" he struggled to keep his eyes open "i-im sorry Ludwig, b-but i-im not g-gonna make it..." I held him closer "no! Feli don't say that! your going to make it! your going to make it just stay awake!" his breaths became shallow till he only had a few left "Ludwig? Ti amo..." and he breathed his last breath with those words.

*end of dream*

"FELICIANO!" I woke up screaming his name. I looked next to me and saw him waking up "Ludwig? what's wrong?" I quickly held him in my arms. "nothing Feli I'm sorry I voke you..." he pulled back still in my arms "I know something's wrong so please tell me! maybe I can help?" I looked down at him and brushed the hair out of his face "I had I nightmare that you did get hit by that car... and you died..." he looked at me shocked then held me tight "I'm not going anywhere so don't worry..."

"Danke Feli, ich liebe dich..." I noticed that the sun was up and it was morning "Vant some breakfast?" he quickly perked up at the sound of food "si can I make breakfast? please?" I smiled at him "ja go ahead" he happily walked downstairs. I'm so happy that was only a dream...

Authors note: sorry this is REALLY short but its leading into something interesting... *suspicious look* thanks for reading!

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