Chapter 8

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

Its been a week since Ludwig met Lovino and my fratello still doesn't trust him. I don't know why though because Ludwig's been nothing but nice to me and has never made me cry! Maybe someday he'll have his trust! I hope so...

"Hey Ludwig?" We are on another date, at my place this time since fratello's not here. "Ja Feli? Vhat is it?"

"You've met my brother, when can I meet yours?" He shifted in his seat for a second then sighed "Ja, if you vant to you can."

"Yay! Grazie Ludwig" I then hugged him. We were sitting on the couch so I couldn't jump up and hug him like I normally do. but as soon as I hugged him he moved me onto his lap and kissed me. "You're velcome."

                ::Time skip::

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I went home that night thinking about how Feliciano wanted to meet Gilbert. Who knows? Maybe my brother will surprise me and behave himself around Feliciano? That hope was quickly crushed as soon as I opened the door. I could hear my brother laughing from the kitchen and as soon as I walked in I My brother on the floor, dog food all over him, the dogs on him, and empty dog food cans all over the floor. I sighed loudly to get his attention "Oh, hey Ludwig! How vas your date?" He then continued to laugh as the dogs licked the dog food off him. I sighed and then decided to get the dogs off him. *Whistle* "Aster! Berlitz! Blackie! Off!" The dogs immediately got off of Gilbert and sat right in front of me. "Good boys." They walked away and went over to Gilbert and helped him stand back up. "Danke for getting the dogs off bruder! By the vay, ve're out of dog food!" I faced palmed "Gilbert! How the hell to you expect me to let you meet Feli tomorrow if I can't even trust you to feed the dogs?!?!"

"No vay! Feli's coming over!? Vhen!?" Did he seriously miss the whole point of that statement? "Ja, he'll be here tomorrow for dinner and please behave yourself!" Gilbert just laughed. "You vorry too much! It'll be fine just vait and see!" He then left for the basement. What if things do go right like he said? THAT would be a miracle...

                     ::time skip::

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I was walking up the steps to Ludwig's house and knocked on the door. I'm kinda nervous about meeting Ludwig's brother. What if he hates me more now that Lovino hates Ludwig? That would be a lot of hate... I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of barking dogs and the sound of yelling at the door "Hey! Get back!" The door opens but I don't see Ludwig. Instead I see someone with white hair and red eyes. "Oh, you must be Feliciano?"

"S-si I am! Who are you?"

"I am the awesome Gilbert! But you can just call me Gilbert" That's good he seems like he's a nice person and not someone who's scary. I wonder why Ludwig was kinda reluctant for me to meet him? "Nice to meet you Gilbert! may I come in?"

"Ja, you can come in!" He then motions for me to come inside. I walked in and he closed the door and followed. "Um... Where's Ludwig?"

"Oh yeah I should probably tell him your here." He walks over to the stairs and yells, "Hey! Ludwig! Your boy-toy is here!" I felt myself blush bright red, "H-his w-what?" Ludwig then hurried down the stairs "GILBERT! DONT CALL HIM THAT!" When he got down the stairs he must have saw my blush because he ran over and hugged me "I'm sorry Feli. Are you OK?" I pulled back "Si I'm fine I just didn't expect him to call me that..." I saw Ludwig give Gilbert a glare "Apologize now!"

"Ugh! Fine! I'm sorry Feli~" I saw Ludwig continue to glare at him, "It's OK I just wasn't expecting him to say that."

" Vell, as long as your OK..." Then Gilbert spoke back up, "Vell of course he's OK! It vas said by the Awesome Gilbert!" Ludwig faced palmed "I'm going to vork on dinner." He starts to walk away. "You coming Feli?" I start to follow him when Gilbert put a hand on my shoulder, "Actually I vould like to talk to Feliciano for a moment if you don't mind"

"It's up to you Feli"

"if Gilbert wants to talk to me for a moment its fine!" I wonder what he wants to talk to talk to me about? I hope its nothing bad... "Vell if your OK vith it Feli but Gilbert, if you do anything to him I WILL kill you!" He then walked into the kitchen. What could Gilbert do to me? Me and Gilbert sat down on the couch. "Um... so what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh right I vant to ask you something,"


"Do you love him?" What kind of a question is that? "Yes of course I do! with all my heart!" I looked him strait in the eyes when I said that. "Good, because I know he loves you and now I know you von't break his heart." We looked at each other in silence before he spoke up again "Now that that's out of the vay..." He then scooted closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders, "Vhat exactly do you two do? I bet it's cute!"

"Um... nothing important..." Then as if on cue Ludwig yelled from the kitchen, "Dinners ready!" As soon as that was said, 3 dogs started running toward the kitchen and me and Gilbert soon followed. As soon as I was in the kitchen I saw what Ludwig made, "Yay! Pasta! Grazie!" I sat down in front of my plate of pasta and Ludwig sat next to me with Gilbert on the other side of him.

                   ::time skip::

After dinner Ludwig and me were taking a walk while holding hands "Um Feli?" I looked up at him, "Si Ludwig?"

"Vhat did Gilbert vant to talk to you about?" I stopped still holding his hand and he stopped a second after me. "He asked if I love you... and I said yes... with all my heart!" He smiled at me "That's good Ich liebe dich auch" I looked at him kinda confused "Ludwig? What does Ich liebe dich auch mean?" He laughed a little and put his hand under my head to make sure I faced him and his face got real close "It means 'I love you too' in German" And he kissed me. I kissed him back then said "In Italian it's 'Ti amo troppo'" we then walked back hand in hand and when we got back I drove away the happiest Italian alive.

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