Chapter 9

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

Me and Ludwig have been dating for over a year now and lately he's been acting... weird. For the past week whenever we talk on the phone or hang out he's been acting nervous, especially about our date tonight. I hope I didn't do anything wrong... what if he's going to break up with me?!?! No! That's not possible! I know he loves me so I have nothing to worry about! But still why else would he be so nervous? l guess I'll have to wait till tonight to find out!

                  ::time skip::

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I was driving up to Feliciano's house while tapping my finger on the steering wheel impatiently. When I reach a stop light I glance down at the small box next to me. Tonight's the night, I'm finally going to ask him to marry me. I've been nervous all week making sure everything goes right and hopefully he'll say yes.

I pull into Feliciano's Drive way, walked up the steps, and knocked on the door. Just stay calm, Just stay calm, Just stay calm.

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

*knock* *knock* I run to answer the door and see Ludwig still looking nervous. "Ciao Ludwig! Ready to go?"

"Ja let's go" he holds out his hand to me and I take it as we walk to the car.

                  ::time skip::

"Um Ludwig? Where are we going?" He glances over at me and smiles. "It's a surprise! But ve'll be there in a minute so be patient OK?"

"OK!" A surprise! I wonder where he's taking me! It must be special since he's keeping it a secret! I look out the window as Ludwig starts to park the car and I instantly recognize where we are. "This is the park where we had our first date right?" He stops the car and smiles at me "Ja it is und I have a surprise for you so let's go!" He then gets out of the car and opens the door for me. "Cmon let's go und don't run ahead this time!" I got out of the car and laughed at how he referenced our first date. "I won't I promise!"

He held my hand and we were walking for a bit before he stopped and turned to me "Feli? Could you do something for me?" I looked at him confused. Did this have something to do with the surprise? "Si Ludwig what is it?"

"Close your eyes please?"

"OK" I close my eyes and Ludwig guides me while holding my hand. After a while he let's go of my hand "OK open them." I open my eyes and see the tree we were at where we got to know each other the only difference is now there's a cute little picnic set up. I saw pasta with wurst instead of meatballs and Italian wine. "Ludwig this looks amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it shall we eat?" He takes my hand and guides me to the picnic. We both sit down in front of our own plates of pasta and Ludwig pours a glass of wine for me. The rest of the date goes like that for a while, Ludwig being all romantic and making the whole date feel like something out of a dream. Which is a little strange because Ludwig can be a little romantic but never this romantic! I wonder if he's planning something? I'm taken from my thoughts when I hear Ludwig call my name "Feli?"

"Si Ludwig?" he reaches over and touches the pendant he gave me "I alvays see you vearing this. Do you really like it?"

"Si of course I do! It's a reminder that you really did say you love me and it wasn't a dream!"

"Another question Feli um... you do love me, ja?" I was shocked by this question. Why would he ever question my feelings for him? "Si of course I do!" he smiles and stands up offering me his hand "That's good I vas vorried" I take his hand and stand up "Worried about what?"

"That I vouldn't get to ask you this," He then gets down on one knee and pulls a small box out of his pocket. "Feliciano Vargas I um... I vas vondering if you vould like to um... marry me?" He then opens the box revealing an engagement ring. "Si! Yes! Of course I will!" I tackle hug him to the ground. He holds me close to him and kisses me. "Danke Feli." He then pulls out the ring and slides it on my finger "There, a perfect fit." I kiss him again "Ti amo Ludwig~"

" Ich liebe dich auch Feli,"

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