Chapter 20

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

Fratello drove us all back to our house and he opened the door. I was so exhausted I didn't say a word while Ludwig carried me to my room. When we got to my room he kicked the door open, gently laid me on the bed, and sat beside me. "Do you vant anything leibe? Some food or something to drink I can go get Lovino if you vant to see him" I smiled at how he was making sure I was OK. "I do want to see Fratello but right now I just want to be with you! I missed you so much and all I could think about was seeing you again!" I got up to hug Ludwig, but laid back down on the bed wincing. Wow did that headache get worse! "Feli? vhats vrong?"

"My head hurts..." He kissed my forehead gently and sweetly. "You do have a fever, I'll go make you something be right back." He got up to leave. "No Ludwig don't go!" I sat up and yelled, Ignoring the pain that flooded to my head. He walked over to me "I vas just going to fix you something! vhats the matter?"

"I don't want to be away from you! at least not right now! Please?"

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

"I don't want to be away from you! At least not right now! Please?" Wow. Did he really miss me that much? I held him close in a hug "OK I vill stay vith you just calm down and rest OK?" He looked at me with tired eyes "OK I'll calm down but Ludwig? Could you stay with me tonight?" I laid us both down so that we were laying side by side on the bed. "After being away from you for so long I couldn't be anywhere else!" I kissed him sweetly and gently as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

                    ::Time skip::

I woke up and saw Feliciano sleeping next to me cuddling into my chest. "Good morning mein leibe~" He stirred at the sound of my voice but didn't wake up. I carefully and slowly got up and out of bed so I could make him some breakfast before he wakes up. I went downstairs and saw his brother already up and in the kitchen. "Good morning Lovino." He looked at me with his usual scowl. "You're here so I'm not going to say its a GOOD morning."

"Vhatever do you know vhat Feli vould vant for breakfast?" He looked at me like I was stupid. Is that his only look for me? "Pasta! Duh! And also I can make it for him so you can go home."

"Nein! I vill not leave him now!" He then put down what he was doing and got right in my face. "He was in YOUR care when he was kidnapped so YOU are responsible! Got that kraut breath?" I was about to say something back when I heard Feli crying upstairs. At that exact moment me and Lovino rushed upstairs as fast as our feet could carry us.

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I woke up from a dream I was having about mine and Ludwig's wedding when I noticed I was alone in bed. I started to freak out now fully awake, Where's Ludwig?!?! He told me he would stay with me! He said there wasn't anywhere else he could be! I started to cry silently at first, but then as I thought of the worse case scenario of my Ludwig leaving me. My cries got louder till I was a sobbing mess. I heard footsteps, distant at first but they got louder till they were finally at the room I was in.

In the next instant the door flew open and I saw someone rush to my side. I couldn't tell who it was till that person wiped my eyes and I saw Ludwig looking at me. He looked scared and worried "Feliciano vhats vrong? vhy are you crying?" I calmed myself down enough to talk properly "I-I woke up and you were gone... I thought you left!"

I started sobbing and Ludwig pulled me close to him "sh... its OK calm down Feli I'm not going anyvhere! besides" he then took his finger under my chin and made me look up "vhy vould I leave you? vere getting married! remember?" he then took my left hand and kissed the ring. I smiled and stopped crying, He always know how to make me feel better! "I know and I can't wait! Ti amo!" I kissed him then pulled away when I heard someone gagging. "Will you two stop being so lovey-dovey around me! your making me sick!" why did it take me this long to notice him? Me and Ludwig pulled away and I blushed like a tomato "s-sorry fratello" he rolled his eyes, walked over to me, and hugged me. This is a strange turn of events... fratello doesn't usually hug me! "I missed you and I'm happy your OK!"

I saw as Ludwig got up and left the room and I felt something I never have before. My brothers tears on my shoulder. I hugged him back "don't cry fratello! I'm OK!" I pulled away so he could look at me "see? I'm perfectly fine!"

"I know you are so how about you get cleaned up and I'll make pasta for breakfast?" My eyes lit up when he said this. "Really? ok!" I got up grabbed a change of clothes and went to take a shower. I'm finally home!

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