Chapter 2

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            *that same night*

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

" I know ve just met und all but... I vas vondering if tomorrow could be a date?..." I look away blushing. why? why? why? of coarse he wouldn't want it to be a date! why would I ask him that? now I'll never see him again! "of coarse its a date! I can't wait!" I looked over at the sound of his voice but he was running away by the time I looked over. As soon as Feliciano was out of sight -and as if on cue- there was my brother. Although not as drunk as I thought he would be... "hey bruder! you ready to go or what?" I sighed at how loud he was being. couldn't he have a respectable volume for one night?!?! " ja bruder ve can go now. do I have to drive or can you?"

"I can drive I'm actually not drunk this time!"

"VHAT?!?!" how was he not drunk? he's drunk at the end of every night! especially at parties! "don't act so shocked! I made a bet with Antonio and won! 50 bucks too!" well that explains that... "since your sober I vant to discuss something vith you in the car. OK?" he looked shocked. why was it so shocking that I wanted my big brothers advice on something? "sure ve can talk let's go" we then proceeded to the car.

                  :: time skip ::

"so... vhat did you vant to talk about?" Gilbert said in the car on the way home. " um... you see I met someone tonight and he gives me this weird feeling vhenever he's there..." wow that came out sounding weird. "like a get the hell avay feeling or please don't go feeling?"

"the second one" at that moment we stopped at a stop light and he looked at me. " aw! mein lottle bruder is in love!" I looked at him with rage "shut the hell up I am not!" or... am I falling in love... I wouldn't classify this as love right now... but... maybe its headed that way. the light turned green and Gilbert proceeded to drive to our house. " don't doubt the fact that love could be there! vas it the little boy running avay?" I looked at him shocked. "you saw him?!?!"

"ja und I saw how you looked at him und I can tell your in love~" at that moment we pulled into the driveway. Gilbert got out without another word. I wonder if I am falling in love? I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

                 ::time skip::

I drove to Feliciano's house and arrived at exactly noon and while I was walking up to his front door I thought to myself vasGilbertright? amIfallingforhim? I'lljustseehowthisdategoesthenI'llknowforsure. I knocked on the door expecting to see Feliciano but instead saw someone who looked similar but... had this frown on his face. looked like that was how he was a lot.

"hey Feliciano! someone's at the door for you!" I looked at him puzzled. "how did you know I vas here to see Feliciano?" he just rolled his eyes and said-very sarcastically- "lucky guess" and walked away. I don't know what to think of that one. as soon as he started to walk away I saw Feliciano at the top of the stairs. "big brother please be nice to Ludwig!"

"not even if hell froze over!" he spat back. I seriously want to know what the hell it was I did to him for him to be such an ass! Feliciano then came to the door "sorry about fratello he doesn't really like a lot of people and even then he's like that around everybody. wanna come in?" and there was that feeling again. the same one as last night... except... a little stronger

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I wish fratello would stop acting so mean to people! especially to people I like! wait. like? no! no more thoughts like that till after the date! I mean... it could go bad for all I know! I hope it doesn't... I then walked to the door where Ludwig was so I could apologize for my fratello. "sorry about fratello he doesn't like a lot of people and even then he's like that around everybody. wanna come in?"

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