Chapter 17

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I took the envelop from Lovino and opened it.



Give us the names of the men who did the 'Prescott' job, or else your brother dies!

*end of Letter*

Dies? They're gonna kill Feliciano? No, NO! I REFUSE TO LET THEM KILL MEIN LIEBE!!! "Yo, basturd!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Lovino. "Ja vhat? Und vill you please stop calling me basturd?" He gave me a look. "Hell no! Also I may know who sent it, We just have to let him give us a location!"

"Then vhy don't you have them give us a location now! Vhy vait!"

"Because I need time to set it up basturd!" I was about to yell at him when a man came in with a piece of paper. "Boss, this just came for you." Lovino rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah, hand it over!" He looked at the letter then his eyes went wide and he dropped it. "Those... FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!" He then went behind the desk, sat in his chair, and put his head in his hands. I picked up the letter and saw something I didn't expect to see.

It was a picture of Feliciano beaten and barely awake. I wanted to cry seeing him like this. "I'm going to kill the basturds who did this to him! Can you set it up now Lovino?" He looked up at me with a scowl then pressed a button on his phone "Get me Ricardo on the line! Now idiota!"

"Who's Ricardo?" He sighed and looked back at me. "Ricardo Charlesta is the man who has Feliciano."

                  ::Time Skip::

Lovino's p.o.v.:

"Sir, Ricardo is on line one!" I pressed the button on the receiver "Grazie, I got it!" I pressed the button on line 1 and heard that son of a bitch laughing "Hello Lovino~ Looking for someone~" Damn, I hate him. "Listen Basturd! All I want is my Brother! Meet me downtown at midnight. Usual spot. You bring Feli and I'll bring the names got it?"

"Oh Lovino making the rules again~ But OK! See you in a week!" He hung up before I could protest. I'll have my brother back in a week. They better take care of him till then!

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