Chapter 25

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I sat there next to Feli till he fell asleep then left the room to call his brother. This won't be a very fun phone call...

*Phone Call*

"Who the Fuck is calling me at this hour?!?!"

"This is Ludvig. Feli's ok und you can come see him if you vant also he has something to tell you vhen you get here"

"I'll be right there!"

*End of phone call*

He hung up on me after that so I put the phone down and sat by Feliciano again. He was still asleep when I got there so I didn't wake him up. Instead I thought about what he told me. An infected cut? How long has it been there? did it hurt? If it did how long did he deal with the pain alone? I will make sure from that from now on he never has to go through that again! or at least I will be there for him!

*Slam* I suddenly hear a slam from the door and automatically knew who it was "FELICIANO!" Feli woke up and jumped a little in bed "Ah! I'm awake!" Lovino then walked over to Feli and hugged him. Feliciano winced at first, most likely from the infection, then hugged his brother back. I decided to leave them alone for a moment.

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

"Um... Fratello?" Lovino pulled back and looked at me "Si Feliciano?" I guess its time to tell him now too "There's something I haven't told you... I have an infected cut on my side... I didn't want to worry you and Ludwig so I kept it a secret. When it got worse I collapsed... I'm sorry" I started to cry thinking about how my brother was going to yell at me but instead he hugged me which for some reason made me cry more. "sh,sh, Its ok! I'm not angry at you calm down!" I pulled away and wiped the tears from my eyes "Are you sure your not mad?"

"I'm sure. Its probably the stupid Germans fault anyway!"

"Why do you think its Ludwig's fault?" I saw him roll his eyes as if the answer was obvious "Because he's a stupid potato basturd!" Why did fratello always call him that? Ludwig has been nothing but nice and sweet to me... "He's not a basturd! He never has been! please stop calling him that!"

"No! Why do you even like him?"

"Why do you hate him?"

"Because he's a potato loving basturd!" This was the last straw... "Get out..." He looked at me shocked "What?" I looked him strait in the eyes "Get out. I don't want to hear you call my Fiancé a basturd anymore!" He walked over to the door and before he left said "See you later. maybe." and left. After the door was shut I laid down on my side and cried silently. I wish fratello would be happy that I have Ludwig and not blame him for everything! I also wish I didn't tell him to get out like that...

Author's note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I got busy with "Back-to-school" stuff but the chapter's here now! Thanks for reading! :)

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