Chapter 10

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

That night me and Ludwig talked all the way back to my place planning our wedding and talking about the future. When we reached my house I noticed my brothers car in the driveway and had an idea. "Hey Ludwig!" He stopped the car and looked at me, "Ja Feli?"

"You wanna go with me to tell Fratello were getting married?" He looked a little unsure about seeing Lovino but then he looked at me and smiled "Ja! Let's go!" He then got out of the car and opened my door for me to get out. We walk over and I open the door to see Lovino on the couch "Feliciano what were you and the basturd doing for you to be out so fucking late?"

"Lovino I vould appreciate it if you voulnt call me a basturd." My brother then jumped up from the couch and looked at us, "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Why did he always have to yell when he's mad? "Fratello! Please don't yell at Ludwig! He came because we have something to tell you!" He sat down and sighed, "Fine, what the hell is it?" I looked at Ludwig and he nodded at me as if to say go ahead. I took a deep breath preparing myself for his reaction. "Me and Ludwig are getting married!" He just stared at us blankly then he got up, grabbed my wrist, and started to drag me away. "No the fucking hell your not!"

"B-but fratello! Why not?" He pulled me behind him. "Why do you want to?"

"Because I love him!"

"And you think he loves you?" Ludwig then pulled me from Lovino and held me close to him. " Ja, I love him und ja, ve are getting married if you have a problem vith that you can discuss that vith your brother, but I vill NOT let you take him from me." I look at him a little shocked. He's never been this protective of me! "Ugh! Feliciano! You can't be serious about wanting to marry him!"

"I am! And nothing you say will change that!" Lovino just yelled and stormed off. "Feli?" I look up at Ludwig "Si?"

"Vould you like to stay at my house tonight? Let your brother calm down a bit?" I thought about it for a sec. Maybe it would be best since Lovino seemed really mad... "Sure, if that's OK with you!" He smiled at me and pet my hair without touching my curl. "I vouldn't ask if it vasnt so let's go." He then took my hand and we left.

                  ::time skip::

We arrived at Ludwig's house and he led me inside. "Where's Gilbert?" He looked around then went to a door and listened at the door. "He must be out vith friends if he's not here." Ludwig then went from the door and walked towards me "This also means ve have the house to ourselfs~"  He then pulled me close to him, sat me on his lap on the couch, and kissed me roughly. I kissed him back with the same amount of roughness with passion while intertwining my fingers in his hair. We went like that for a little bit before we pulled apart and he proceeded to take off my shirt and I did the same to him. Then he kissed me again laying me on the couch below him, with one hand on my back and the other in my hair. *slam*

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

*slam* "Hey bruder! vha-" I look up breaking mine and Feli's kiss to see my brother at the door with a smirk on his face. I sat up and Feli sat next to me. "Hello Feli"

"Ciao Gilbert!" Weird, how is he unfazed by him walking in on us doing... that. "So vhy vas the awesome me not informed there vas going to be a guest?" I put my head back and rested my hand on my forehead. "It vas a last minute decision, sorry."

"Vhat happened?"

"Fratello got mad at me so Ludwig said I could stay here." He looked at me as if I was the one who pissed off Lovino. OK! Maybe I did in a way, but he's the one who refuses to trust me! "Before you ask vhy he got mad, Feli vould like to tell you something that vill explain everything." I look at Feli and he smiles when he realizes what I mean "Oh right! Me and Ludwig are getting married!"

"Aw! My cute baby bruder's getting married!" I looked at him and gave him a look that said 'stop if you wish to live' "Alright, vell congrats to you too I'll just leave you love birds alone~" He then laughs as he leaves for the basement. That asshole.

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I watched as Gilbert left laughing. I wonder what was funny? I'll ask Ludwig later! "Hey Ludwig? Wanna go to bed?" He looked at me "It's still kinda early but ve can if your tired" I got on his lap and whispered close in his ear "Actually I thought maybe we would have more privacy to continue" I then begin to kiss him passionately the way I did before. He then kissed me back and picked me up while I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then carried me to his room where he kicked the door open and laid me on the bed still kissing me before he broke apart with his hands pinning me down. "Are you sure you vant this mein liebe?" I nodded my head "Si I do." He then kissed me again "As you vish~"

Authors note: this is as close to a lemon as I'll go so sorry if you wanted more I don't right that. yet. *creepy stare* thanks for reading!

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