Chapter 24

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I waited till 11pm at night before someone came to get me. "Sir?" I lifted my head up to see a nurse "Ja?" I said half asleep "I came to tell you that you can see Feliciano now." I stood up, now fully awake. "Vhere is he?"

"He's in room 208B, please follow me" I then followed the nurse up to the second floor and she lead me to his hospital room "He's still asleep and we don't know when he'll wake up."

"Its ok" I walked in there and what I saw made my heart drop. Feliciano was lying there pale and unconscious. I sat next to him and held his hand. "Feliciano, Ich leibe dich..." I kissed his forehead , closed my eyes, rested my head on the side of the chair, and fell asleep.

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I woke up and saw I was in a weird room. Where am I? All I remember is going downstairs to talk to Ludwig then... nothing. I turned my head and saw Ludwig asleep in a chair. He looks so peaceful and cute! I leaned over to kiss him awake but I was only able to give him a quick and small one before I pulled away wincing. This cut really hurts!

I looked over to see Ludwig waking up. He blinked his eyes groggily a couple of times before sitting up and smiling at me "How are you feeling? does anything hurt?" I thought for a second about my head, and my cut, and I decided it was time to tell him. "Ludwig? There's something I should tell you..."

"Vhat is it mein leibe?" I took a deep breath. "I have an infected cut on my side. I didn't say anything because both you and fratello were so worried and I didn't want to worry you more... I'm sorry" I was crying now. He's probably furious with me for not saying anything... Before I can apologize again I feel his arms around me. "Please don't cry Feli! I'm not angry or anything. I'm just upset you didn't tell me." he pulled away the looked me right in the eyes and said "Promise me that no matter vhat you'll tell me vhen something's vrong!"

"I promise" He smiled at me and wiped the remaining tears from my eyes "Ich leibe dich now how about you get some rest? I promise I'll stay right here"

"Ok" I smiled at him and we stayed like that for a while. Now all I have to do is get better and everything will be ok! Right?

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