Chapter 19

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

Tonights the night, Tonight we meet with Ricardo and do the trade and I get Feli back. "YOU DAMN BASTURD ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!" I was taken out of my thoughts by the yelling of a very angry, (and annoying), Italian "Sorry no I vas not listening vhat did you say?" He rolled his eyes and sighed "I all I was saying is that tonight when we get Feli I want you to take him and run! I'll be right behind, I just need to make sure the sniper kills him! Got it?"

"Ja I got it just make sure he pays for Hurting Feliciano!" He gave me this look that said 'Of course I will dumbass!' and I left the room. Tonight Feli will be safe once again.

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I keep hearing about a trade tonight when listening downstairs. Does this mean tonight's the night? Tonight I can see mi amore again! The excitement was kinda knocked out of me when I saw Ricardo walk in. "Ready to go home Italian! Today you get what you want and I get what I want~" He then took a bag from behind his back and put it on my head. After that I felt him take off the chains and tie me up with rope.

Unlike when I got here I was being dragged down the stairs instead of carried. I didnt really care though, it hurt less than the beatings! (the stairs down did hurt though!). After a few minuets I felt myself being thrown while he laughed and the thud afterwards let me know I was in a trunk. it also gave me a headache but that doesn't matter because Ludwig can take care of me and my headache soon!

                   ::Time skip::

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I sat in the car as Lovino drove to the place we pick up Feli. When we got there I saw a black car with a man leaning against it. Lovino stopped the car, we both got out, and Lovino gave the man a death glare "Hello Ricardo!" so this is Ricardo. Which means Feliciano is near by. "Hello Vargas and nice to see you brought a friend~" for someone who was going to kill Feli he sure is a cheerful basturd "Cut the bull crap! Where's my brother!!" Ricardo just smiled and opened his trunk. He pulled someone out of the trunk then removed the bag on his head to reveal Feliciano. "Feli! are you OK?" he smiled when he saw me "Si Ludwig i'm OK I just want to go home!" he said he was OK but I saw the picture and I see him now and I can see he's bruised and I can see dried blood on him. Oh this man WILL pay!

"Lovino? don't tell me I dragged him here for nothing! where are the names?" Lovino pulled an envelope out of his pocket "right here basturd! let Feli go and there all yours!" he thought about it for a sec. "OK I'll trust you" Ricardo untied Feli and he instantly ran into my arms.

I held him close as he cried "sh its OK mein leibe! I'm right here!" I then remembered the plan and started to run with Feli in my arms. I turned my head for a second and saw Lovino hand the envelope to Ricardo, and the sniper make a perfect shot shooting him in the head. I smirked as Ricardo fell dead and Lovino picked back up the envelope of names.

I got in the car with Feli on my lap. "Feli? are you sure your ok?" I looked down at him worry clear in my eyes. "si Ludwig I'm fine! and i'm happy to see you again mi amore~" I kissed his forehead gently "I'm happy too mein leibe". After that Lovino got inside the car and we drove away with the sound of Lovino ranting about it being my fault he Feliciano was taken in the first place. I tuned him out though. Finally mein leibe is safe I thought as I held him safe in my arms.

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