Chapter 22

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I woke up a few days later and saw Ludwig next to me. "Good morning mi amore~" I kissed his forehead but he didn't wake up. I know I'll make him some breakfast! Fratello is out of town till tomorrow so me and Ludwig can be as lovey-dovey as we want! I got out of bed and felt a sharp pain on my side. I sat down and lifted up the under shirt I was wearing and looked at my infection. My eyes went wide when I saw the infected cut, it was redder than before and more swollen. Not to mention it hurts like hell. I put my shirt down, took a deep breath, and went downstairs. I'll just have to see if I can hide the pain for now.

                 ::Time Skip::

I was in the kitchen making breakfast when I feel a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. "Good morning Mien Leibe~" he kissed the top if my head "Breakfast smells delicious" I looked up at him "grazie, it will be done soon." I look up, kiss him and then he leaves for the living room. I wince at the pain from when his arms were put around me. I think I did a pretty well job of hiding it when he was there because he didn't mention anything. I finished breakfast, set it on the table, and went to find Ludwig. I found him laying on the couch almost half asleep so I went over to him and kissed his cheek "breakfast is ready sleepyhead" Ludwig looked up at me all tired eyed "danke" aw. he's so cute when he's half asleep!

                                                                 ::time skip::

I was in the kitchen finishing up the dishes after dinner when I suddenly got this headache. It just came out of nowhere! I turned off the water and held my head in my hands. Ow this seriously hurt "Feli? you done vi-" Ludwig mist have walked in and saw me because he didn't finish his sentence and in a split second I could here him rush over to me "Feli? vhats vrong?"

"M-my head... It hurts!" I just barely got out. I felt him then pick me up, carry me to my room, and lay me down on the bed. "Just lay down. I'm going to be right downstairs ok?"

"Ok..." I heard him close the door and leave. Ok something is seriously wrong! I've had a few headaches after I was abducted but not as bad as this! I turn onto my back but feel a sharp pain in my side so I turn back to how I was. DAMN IT! I bite my lip so I don't scream. I think I need to tell them, because right now my head feels like someone hit it with a sledge hammer and I feel like like I'm being stabbed in the side!

I get up and instantly feel a little light headed but I walk downstairs anyway. When I got down there I saw fratello about ready to hit Ludwig so I decided that was the best time to speak up "Fratello?" he looked a little surprised. Obviously he wasn't expecting me "Feliciano? are you ok? The basturd said you have a headache" he walked over to me and put his hand on my forehead. "well actually..." I started to feel I little week so I put a hand on the wall and it must have been really obvious something's wrong because Ludwig rushed over "vhat is it Feli?"

"I... I..." after that everything went black.

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