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They go to bed a few hours later and Scott just came back from checking on Peyton.

"Alpha, can you help me get this off?" Mitch asks, referring to the sling on his arm. Scott carefully lifts Mitch's arm to get the strap off of his neck before taking it off his arm and setting it down on the dresser.

"How does it feel?"

"It's sore. Toddy told me not to lay on it, but I also can't lay on my back so I really can just lay my stomach and right side. And I like to face you when I sleep but.."

"Do you want to switch sides for the next few nights?"

"Sure." Scott can sense Mitch's uncertainty.

"You don't want to be close to the door, do you?"

"I'm sorry, Alpha."

"Stop apologizing, my love. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know.. I'm sor—Never mind." Scott understands that people who have gone through emotional abuse apologize and get frustrated a lot, which is one of the reasons why he's so patient with Mitch.

"Hey, let's think about this, okay? Don't get frustrated, baby. We can't switch positions, what if I move the bed to the other side of the room?"

"I don't want you to put too much work into doing something for me."

"Mitch Grassi, stand up and come here." Mitch obeys and looks up at Scott, who gently grabs both sides of Mitch's face.

"I know you can't do certain things. I know you're living with all kinds of anxiety disorders and it's hard because you won't accept help or love because you don't feel like you deserve it or that you can't reciprocate it. But, Mitch, I'm here for all of that and I will put a shit ton of work into stuff for you because you deserve it."

"You always talk about what I deserve and how I deserve the best, but I don't feel that way. I feel like I deserve how Carson treated me and that people should stop wasting their time loving me because I'm unworthy of it."

"Damn it, Mitch." He pulls Mitch in for a kiss, kissing with all the passion and love he has. Mitch takes one of Scott's hands off his face and intertwines their fingers, holding their hands against his chest. Scott pulls away from the kiss and looks into Mitch's eyes, running his thumb along Mitch's cheekbone.

"I will never stop 'wasting my time' loving you, because it's not a waste and you're not unworthy. How much do you trust me?"

"With every fiber in me."

"Then believe me when I tell you that everything I've told you is 100% true. I will never stop being in love with you because you, and Pey, are the best things that have ever happened to me and I wouldn't trade you for the world."

Mitch smiles slightly, "Even for Beyoncé?"

Scott chuckles and nods, "Even for Beyoncé, my sweet boy. Now, I'm going to move the bed so you feel safe and comfortable. Why?"

"Because you love me."


"I'm the best thing that has ever happened to you." Mitch whispers, blushing as he looks down.

"That's right, baby boy." Scott lifts his chin up to kiss him one more time before carefully moving the bed. They lay down and Scott pulls Mitch into his chest and protectively wraps an arm around him.

"I love you, Alpha. Thank you for being patient and understanding."

"Of course, Angel. I love you, too. Wake me if you need me."

Mitch yawns, "Yes, Sir." Scott stays awake a few minutes just to be sure everyone is okay before going to sleep, placing a kiss on Mitch's forehead.

Mitch wakes up around 3 AM from a nightmare and is debating whether or not to wake Scott. He sits up and pulls his knees to his chest, finally deciding to wake him after 20 minutes of thinking.

"A-Alpha?" He whispers, gently shaking Scott. He tries this a few more times until Scott wakes up and looks at him.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" He asks, voice still rough from waking up.

"I had a nightmare a-and I can't sleep." Scott moves closer and opens his arms for Mitch, who greatly accepts the invitation and gets as close to Scott as possible.

Scott kisses Mitch's head a few times and runs his fingers through Mitch's hair, knowing it'll help him relax and fall asleep quicker.

"I'm glad you woke me, love."

"You're glad we're awake at 3:27 in the morning?"

Scott chuckles, "No, I'm glad you remembered to wake me if you're scared or if you need me." Mitch nods and yawns, "Sleepy?"

Mitch rubs his eyes like a child and nods, "Sleepy."

"Go to sleep, Angel. I'll keep you safe." Scott hums You Are My Sunshine, knowing it helps Mitch calm down. Soon enough, they both fall asleep again, wrapped in each other's arms.

The next morning, they wake up and decide to go downstairs before Peyton wakes up.

"How do I..?" Mitch holds up the sling.

"So put it over your head first then just put your arm through it." Mitch does so and they go downstairs.

"Morning, Tevin." Scott says as they go into the living room.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Kevin asks.

"We had to wake up once but it wasn't that bad."

"Monkey, I need to take a look at your back and shoulder." He helps Mitch remove his (Scott's) shirt and turns him around to take the gauze off.

"It's healing nicely. The bleeding has stopped and it should be fully healed in a few days."

"What? It took weeks to heal when we were with him."

"That's because you were malnourished, sleep deprived, and not marked."

"What does Alpha marking me have to do with it?"

"As you know, Alphas heal from some of the worst injuries within a few days. So, when an Omega, you, is marked by an Alpha, Scott, some of those Alpha genes help to heal you. Especially since you're marked by the strongest Alpha." Scott flexes his arms and kisses his biceps, making Mitch laugh.

"What about my shoulder?"

"The good news is Carson didn't fully dislocated it, only about 85%. Bad news is he didn't pop it back it correctly, so it's still gonna take a decent amount of time to get better. You'll wear the sling today and tomorrow, possibly the next day, it'll all depend."

"Do you have to do something so it's in the right way?"

"No, it looks like it did that on its own. Are you in any pain in either your back or shoulder?"

"My back stings when I move too much or lay on it. My shoulder is still pretty sore."

"Okay. If it gets to be too unbearable, I'll give you something for it."

"Thanks, Toddy." Todrick helps Mitch put the sling back on and gives him his vitamins.


Sorry about the awkward ending.. it was getting long.

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