"It doesn't feel different."

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It's bigger than the last time they entered the place, Lauren's sure of it. She's certain that their new apartment wasn't nearly this size the last time they went in to inspect it.

But as she hauls the last of their boxes in, she comes to understand that it's not that their new apartment is big...it's just...their last apartment was smaller.

And she finds that's entirely ridiculous, because why did they need a bigger apartment in the first place? She was quite content with their previous one.

But Camila wanted a bigger one, she wanted one where she had a room to renovate into a studio. One where Lauren could have her one workshop for her art and eventually, they'd settled on the one Lauren is currently trying to justify buying.

"I swear if there is one more fucking box in that god forsaken truck, I'm going to burn down this building and justify it with a plead of insanity." Lauren turned around to find a huffing Lucy hunched over beside a box no bigger than one of Dinah's shoe boxes.

The green-eyed girl rolled her eyes before having them instantly dart up as her new wife entered through their front door along with their, now, grown pup following in behind her. Leo instantly marched up to Lucy to offer his sympathies in the form of a slobbery kiss to her cheek, to which she actively objected.

Lauren watched the amusement as Lucy went on to cuss the dog through strings of incoherent insults and was jolted with a beam of gratitude that the older Latina hadn't given up on fighting for their friendship, even after they had both deemed it a dangerous one.

Lucy was relentless in convincing Lauren that they could be friends and still manage to keep themselves out of trouble. They both had a lot to lose now, they've acknowledged that.

"I swear, Camila, you move slower than Dinah after she's eaten ten hot wings." Vero lightly nudged the celebrity as her eyes scanned the room until they landed on her own less-than-pleased wife. "Quit yelling at Leo."

"I'll yell at you instead." Lucy retorted almost instantly.

"Please," Lauren scoffed. "Vero could so much as pout and you'd be begging her for forgiveness," The green-eyed girl smirked proudly as she arched her brow. "Pussy."

"You are what you eat, Jauregui-Cabello-whatever the fuck your last name is now." Lucy waggled her brows before standing upright and making a show of stretching herself out. "Well, that's enough exercise for one lifetime."

The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes at her best friend's antics before averting her attention back to her wife. "Are you sure it's safe to live this close to Lucy?"

"Nope," Camila wrapped her arms around her wife's waist and hugging her close. "But don't kid yourself, you're gonna love it."

"Oh please," Lucy scoffed. "As if you don't love the fact that the whole gang is back in the same zip code."

"It is gonna be amazing to be able to have Ally within walking distance again. I've really missed her." Vero confessed.

"Yeah, it'll be good to have Yoda around again, and my girls Norminah might actually be down for a bit of fun now." Lucy's comment and accompanying smirk earned her a jab to the side she hadn't expected. "Psych bitch." She sneered at Vero.

"You love this psycho bitch." Vero crossed her arms and raised a brow. "The only bit of fun you're allowed to have is with me, idiot."

"Hey, remember that time Vero made out with another chick?" Lucy earned herself another jab after the mocking comment.

"Jerk." Vero mumbled.

Moving in, Camila and Lauren, found was easier the second time round because they now knew that it took a plan, a clear picture of how they wanted their home to look for it to work in their favour. So upon the purchase of the apartment, they'd been smart enough to conduct a solid plan of how they wanted their place to look, they wanted a perfect mix of them.

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