"We're gunning for that top spot."

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It'd been six weeks since Camila had last seen Lauren and it was starting to feel like it. As much as the pair had grown more comfortable being on their own in their times of separation, it didn't mean they didn't miss one another. Camila was insistent that they video call at least once a day and Lauren wasn't one to argue with her wife.

Lauren, herself, had taken a steady stride into fame after her speech at the march she'd attended with Halsey. Not only because she had so many supporters wishing her well but also because she was associated with the older singer. A lot of Halsey's fans had found her and started following her on social medias. Lauren was certain that every new follower would be sorely disappointed after finding that she did not exactly update often. The last thing she'd posted was a picture Dinah had taken of Camila, Lauren and Lucy at a Ed Sheeran concert that the younger of the trio had convinced the other two to attend. Dinah didn't need to take much persuading after being told that she would get to take a picture with Ed himself.

Camila had an interview with Ellen and her nerves were not settling. After years of being in the business, she still somehow managed to get stage fright. She knew Ellen would do everything in her power to make sure Camila was comfortable but the Latina had grown used to big crowds and not needing to make firm eye contact with anyone. Ellen's guests were a small group and all their attention were on her and in turn, she would have to give them some of her own and actually see their reactions.

She's called to enter the stage and, as practiced, she shakes off her nerves and forces herself to be the confident musician the world knows her for.

The small audience claps in a welcome and Ellen's smile is infectious so Camila lost all feelings of discomfort and was one again reminded that Ellen has never made her feel alone and always went above and beyond to ensure Camila felt at ease of her show.

She took a seat across from the short-haired woman and waited for the crowd to die down before she could bring herself to greet the host.

"I feel like I need to reintroduce you to the audience because I might've got it wrong the first time around," Ellen feigned nerves as she wiped her palms on her pants. "Yeah, yeah, you all know her as Camila Cabello, but now I know her as Camila Cabello...Lauren Cabello's wife."

And at this, even Camila felt a chuckle slip through her lips, a sense of pride swelling in her heart at the mention of her wife and the recognition she was receiving.

"Because, damn," Ellen continued. "Camila, you might have just struck the jackpot with that one."

"Oh I know," The singer scoffed, running her hand through her hair, a habit she'd adopted from her wife. "I think that's the most Lauren has ever spoken in one day." She mused before sobering a little. "How are you, Ellen?"

"Look, I'm fantastic. I've got my favourite musician here and she happens to be married to my, now, favourite activist, so that is fantastic."

"I'm a little hurt, Ellen, if I didn't know better, I'd think you would've preferred Lauren in place of me." Camila put a hand to her heart, her soft smile reassuring the audience that she was pretending.

"Do you blame her?" A new voice surprised the singer right before a kiss was planted to her cheek and she turned to find Lauren's striking green eyes meeting her own. "Hey, babe."

Camila jumped up from her seat and right into her wife's arms as she hugged her as tight as she possibly could, again, reminded how much she missed the older woman.

"Hi." For a moment the musician forgot that they had cameras pointed right at them as she caressed the familiar, pale cheek.

Lauren smiled, taking Camila's hand and leading her back over to the couch and perching them down, tossing her arm over the pack of the couch behind Camila before she leaned forward and outstretched her hand to the host.

"Where are my manners?" Lauren rolled her eyes. "Thanks for having me, Ellen. Thanks for letting me surprise Camz over here."

"I'm honestly fangirling over here right now," Ellen took the outstretched hand. "I've been up almost every night since your speech looking up all the reaction videos. You hit the nail on the head for some people, got the whole country thinking."

"It's why I did it," The green-eyed girl shrugged. "It's time for us to think. We're all turning a blind eye to the state of the world we live in and we need to stop."

"And you've been working on that with Halsey from what I hear."

"Yeah, she's been a huge help in getting what I want to say out there," Camila looked up at her wife with shining eyes. She loved how passionate Lauren was about what she was doing. "And of course, Camz has been the best support, listening to me rant on and on about the same thing over and over again." Lauren pressed a kiss to her wife's temple. "She's one in a million, my wife."

"You two make quite a power couple, the Obamas better watch out."

"Yeah," Camila smirked. "We're gunning for that top spot."

"And you're releasing a new album soon, Camila, meaning there will be another tour soon, how are you guys gonna deal with the separation?"

"Well, I mean, I've been doing a lot of promotional work right now and working on that album so I've been flying to New York and meeting with producers there too so I haven't been home much. It sucks but Lauren's been pretty busy herself, going to little rallies and visiting social services centres trying to find out how she can help, so we're both pretty occupied with our passions at the moment. We always make time to call and we're both pretty independent without each other now, so it makes the separation easier. Besides," The younger Cuban smiled to her wife. "I know she'll be there waiting for me at the airport when it's time for me to come home."

"Ain't that the fucking truth." Lauren beamed down at the stars shining in Camila's eyes.

"You certainly aren't one to hide that potty mouth." Ellen chuckled, the audience following suit.

"I'm not gonna be the 'lady' the media want me to be, I'm gonna stay true to who I am."

"Well then," Ellen turned her eyes to the giant screen behind her. "I want to show you how people are reacting to Lauren Cabello."

The screen lit up and suddenly there was a woman's face on it, a microphone near her mouth and she was beaming.

It was a complete stranger but clearly she knew Lauren was in the studio.

"Hi, Lauren, I just wanted to say that I think you're amazing for saying what you said, and I know you don't believe in war but I believe strongly that we're fighting one. A war against hate. And you have a soldier in me." The woman saluted before the screen was changed to another woman, this time younger than the other.

"Damn, I can definitely understand why you two are married, voices for the world!"

A man was after her.

"I'm with you, Lauren. Lets get behind change!"

The green-eyed girl felt everything in her soar with pride, with gratitude to people she'd never met before. She never asked them to put themselves out there the way she did, but here they were. Willing and ready.

"You're doing it, babe," Camila spoke quietly enough just for Lauren to hear. "You're changing the world."

"For you," Lauren nodded, feeling emotions welling in her eyes as more voice spoke from the screen. "For our future kids, for who they'll grow up to be."

"If they're gonna be anything like you, I think they'll be perfect." And Lauren made a note to always remember those words.

Because she knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, there'd be trials she's have to face and she'd have to be strong throughout them.

So she'd remember those words, because Camila would always be her strength. Smiling after she recalled how often she'd always thought the girl was her weakness.

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