"You're acing the game of life."

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"Woman, I need those Givenchy shoes! They're the only ones that would match this outfit." Dinah huffed as Normani leaned against their bathroom door brushing her teeth.

"You have three that look exactly the same." The older girl spoke around her toothbrush, earning a scowl from her significant other.

"Camila would notice they aren't the Givenchy ones."

"Dinah Jane, Camila can barely tell her left hand from her right...and you think she's gonna notice you're fucking shoes?" The dark-skinned girl scoffed, turning her back on the blonde to continue with her morning ritual.

"Ally would notice then!"

"Ally couldn't care less!"

"Fine, what about Lucy?"

"Lucy is bat-shit crazy," Normani poked her head out. "Her opinion doesn't count for shit."

"But you didn't say she wouldn't notice!" Dinah pointed an accusatory finger at Normani.

Normani, with no argument left in her, slammed the door to their bathroom and in the same breath, Ally opened the door to the room she shared with her fiancee, Troy.

He was still sprawled out on their bed with an arm over his eyes and his torso exposed and Ally couldn't fight the smile that began to stretch onto her face. Because this man had changed her life for the better and she wondered if he would ever know just how much.

She tousled her hair with a towel and let it fall freely down her back to dry naturally, despite knowing how Dinah would probably have a heart-attack knowing she'd done that.

The low groan that slipped past Troy's lips caught her attention and seconds later his arm was moving from his face and his gorgeous blue eyes that Ally could never grow bored of looking at were revealed.

Almost instantly a smile crawled onto his lips as their eyes met and he began to sit up to appreciate the girl before him some more.

"You need to start getting ready, we're meeting up with the girls in an hour." The petite girl spoke softly, cautious of breaking the serene moment the pair had found themselves in.

"I will," Troy nodded, speaking as softly as his partner. "You look...so beautiful."

And his eyes spoke the words along with his lips. Ally could so clearly see how much the boy appreciated her and she'd never felt so boundlessly loved before. Her heart physically clenched as it hit her with a solid blow again. But it was a welcomed pain.

She knew with Troy everything would always be different to how it was with Jake. With Troy, there were no expectations, no need for more than what she could give in that point in time. Troy was patient and kind and warm and everything Ally didn't know she wanted and needed.

He was her guy. This she was certain of.

He was the one.

And that was why, when he dropped to one knee one morning after bringing her breakfast in bed with an assortment of all her favourite morning treats, she agreed to marry him without hesitation. Because she didn't need to think about it. She was sure they were perfect for one another.

And with those thoughts swirling around in her mind, she wasted no time in crawling into bed with him for those few extra moments spent together.

And while Ally laid cuddled up with her future husband, Vero was pulling at the leg of one stubborn Lucy Vives who refused to get up.

"Jesus, Lucia, get up, we're gonna be late." She groaned as Lucy fought her, holding onto the headboard and pulling herself back.

"I don't give a fuck."

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