"If you ever give birth, you will need to specify."

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Dinah came to terms with her break-up the second she walked through the hospital doors on her own. That was something Dinah had never been...alone.

Normani was her person and even still, she was. Dinah believed Normani would always be her person, even if it didn't have to have the romance behind it. But Normani had been in a meeting when Dinah had gotten the call and she knew Normani always kept her phone off during those meetings so she sent her a message in the hopes the older girl would see it once she decided to once again bring her phone to life.

So Dinah was alone walking through the doors of the hospital and she didn't quite know what to do because Lauren had called her and the green-eyed girl had been in such a panic that she hadn't properly explained what happened to Camila, only that she was in hospital and that Lauren was rushing home. Ally was also on her way but Dinah had been closer at the time and Vero couldn't get out of work so she told them to keep her updated.

And it was as she entered the hospital that her mind flashed back to the last time she'd been there. She'd ridden in the back of the ambulance with Normani pleading with the paramedics to stop her bleeding, to keep her alive, to...turn back time. Not once did the older girl lose consciousness so Dinah didn't quite know why she was so panicked about it but the very fact that Normani had been shot had Dinah in distress. She wasn't thinking coherently.

She doesn't think anyone would think coherently in that situation.

She hadn't even given Lucy a second thought at the time and she still feels the weight of it settled on her shoulders but she knew, at the time, her priorities were in order. The woman she loved had been shot and her mind could only focus on that.

Now...well now Dinah knew that she needed to focus. She needed to find Camila, she needed to make sure she was safe and okay. She needed to breathe and not let the suffocating fear overwhelm her. She needed to be strong.

But it was hard...it was hard because this was another friend that her mind was telling her she could lose and her heart was telling her she wouldn't survive it this time.

This time there was no working through it.

Not with Camila.

Camila was the very girl Dinah had sworn was a her soulmate in the most platonic of ways, Camila was her sister. Camila was the one girl Dinah would not allow to die on her.

"I'm looking for Camila Cabello." Dinah approached the receptionist, hoping her distress was masking by the professionalism she'd picked up in her line of work. "She was brought in by ambulance."

"We're only allowing family to see Miss. Cabello at this time." The receptionist didn't so much as glance up to Dinah upon speaking the words.

"I am her family." The Polynesian insisted and only then did the woman before her spare her a glance.

It was fleeting, but it was enough to tell Dinah that she wasn't convinced.

"Look, her family is in Miami, her wife is flying over from there, I'm her best friend and I need to be able to at least tell Lauren she's okay, otherwise you'll have a raging, green-eyed bitch slamming on your counter and scaring the living daylights out of you, is that what you want?"

"Ma'am, it's hospital policy, I can't release patient information to anyone that isn't rela-"

"Dinah," It was like Dinah had been burning in a desert and a wave of ice cold water was just tipped over her head as her eyes shot over to the voice calling her name. Camila limped over to her with a cast on her arm and a halfheartedly smile settled on her lips. "I'm okay."

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