"You're annoying when you're wise."

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"Did you pack your toothbrush?"


"How about your hairbrush?"

"Packed." Lauren rolled her eyes but humoured her wife regardless.

"And your cute Camila photo?" Said brunette cocked a brow.

"Shit," Lauren's eyes widened. "I completely forgot."

"Lauren!" The celebrity chastised her green-eyed wife.

"I'm kidding," Lauren smirked, running a hand through her hair before standing from their bed and taking the stride over to her girlfriend. "Where would I be without my cute Camila photo?" She dug into her back pocket and produced the picture she'd taken of Camila three years ago, the brown-eyed girl only just waking up and a soft, morning smile touching her lips. "See?"

"I'm allowed to worry."

"I'm not arguing that."

"You're my wife."

"That I am."

"What if you find some European hottie and decide you're in need of something new?" And Camila was joking...mostly.

"I have the hottest Latina in the world, why the fuck would I even so much as glance at another woman?"

"I'm just saying..."

"I won't be gone too long and before you know it, I'll be rushing back home to you so you can annoy the fuck out of me some more."

"And you do know how much I love annoying you." Camila offered the raven-haired girl a toothy grin.

"Yes, I believe it's your favourite pass-time." Lauren rolled her eyes but nevertheless, understood where her wife was coming from.

They were going to miss each other, there was no doubt about that. And yes, they'd gone extended periods of time without one another but that didn't lessen the longing. Lauren would always miss Camila no matter the time frame in which they didn't see each other.

The pair were rushing to get Lauren to the airport without any mishaps and though Camila was doing all that she could to slow down the process, she knew that letting Lauren go this one time meant a lifetime of happiness for the green-eyed girl. She was finally setting her dream in motion and Camila had always wanted that for her wife, from the very start of their high school relationship to now.

Camila was living her dream, it was only fair Lauren got to live hers. Even if that meant being thousands of miles apart for a short period of time.

And even then, Camila wasn't concerned. She knew distance meant nearly nothing to them. They no longer had to be in each other's immediate vicinity to prove their love, it now crossed oceans and lands. It was strong enough to withstand long periods of separation, they'd grown to know that now. Lauren was it for Camila and Camila was it for Lauren, it was how things always were.

"I'm sorry I sound crazy," Camila spoke sheepishly as Lauren finally zipped up her suitcase and dropped it to the floor, effectively causing Leo to hide his tail under his rear. "I know how excited you are for this."

"I get it, Camz," Lauren smiled softly. "But I'm just as excited to fly back home to you." She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Camila's waiting lips, as plump and inviting as ever.

The pair had just pulled apart when the continuous knocking on the front door had them groaning because both knew that only two people would knock that erratically.

"I thought you said she said goodbye yesterday?" The younger girl huffed.

"She did, that's why I think it's your pain-in-the-ass best friend this time."

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