"You're Lucia fucking Vives."

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"Hey Laur, remember that time we smoked so much we thought we were sitting in the sky and looking up at the grass?"

"I do." The green-eyed girl scoffed, though the memory remained one of their fonder ones.

Looking up at the sky in that moment, she wondered if the stars were dancing as beautifully where Camila was as they did in Miami.

It was rare that Lauren wondered about Camila these days. She'd been gone for a year with only Dinah keeping contact and Lauren had figured it was time to move on with her life. Hence, Keana.

"Do you ever miss those days? The simplicity of just fucking and smoking and...none of the other stuff?" Lucy leaned back on her elbows, the tickle of the grass stirring an itch on her arm but she ignored it with ease.

"Yes," And then Lauren thought about it for a moment longer before looking to her best friend. "No." She changed her mind, that little ache in her heart reminding her why she didn't miss those days. The ache that reminded her of love and the intensity of it. The perfection of a single emotion that brought everything she loathed into her life and made her lather in it. "Simplicity would've killed me one day."

And Lucy took a moment to think it over, a small smile playing on her lips as her mind almost instantly wondered over to Vero.

"You're right. We're better than simplicity now."

Lauren couldn't quite avert her eyes from the picture before her. Her friend was laying in a hospital bed with tubes hooked up to her and needles piercing her skin and skin so pale she was almost see-through. Lauren wanted to look away from Lucy but Lauren couldn't.

It took her all of a day to make her way back into the states after finding out about the shooting and she'd yet to leave Lucy's side since she arrived. She couldn't will herself to move. She feared the second she took her gaze from Lucy, she'd lose her.

She'd lose her sister.

Ally and Camila had been travelling between the two hospital rooms though Normani had been stitched up and deemed to be out of the woods. She was being kept for another day to ensure her health though after that, she was free to go. Normani was okay.

And Lauren wanted to be there for her and tell her how happy she was that she was okay, but she couldn't move. Because Lucy wasn't okay.

Dinah had stayed close to Normani, fretting over her every need like a over-eager mother and had Normani been anywhere else, she would have swatted away the blonde's frantic hands. But they were in a hospital, she'd been shot and if roles were reversed, Normani knew she wouldn't be able to keep her calm either.

Vero was in the similar situation to Lauren, she stayed in the chair beside Lucy's bed and had yet to move since she'd been brought into the room. The only difference between the pair is; where Lauren sleeps...Vero does not.

No one spoke in the room, Ally and Camila would talk in hushed voices upon approaching it but when entering, their conversation would cease as if their words would curse the girl laying in the bed.

Lauren vaguely remembered Ally explaining to her what happened. How Normani got shot. How a witness had spoken about how Lucy had been shot.

Multiple bullets had pierced through her body.

She'd been shot multiple times and the fact that she was still breathing was a miracle.

The shooter had declared his motives to be against the rich, how their wealth was built on the breaking back of the poor and before the police were able to apprehend him, he'd put a bullet through his own head.

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