"You wanted to be heard, so speak."

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Warning, there will be some racial slurs, homophobic slurs and talk of abuse in this chapter. Please don't read it if it's triggering

I like you guys, so take care of yourselves.

"You said this would be low key." Lauren whisper-yelled at a smirking Halsey. "You're so lucky Camz is doing promo work right now, she would've shown up today."

"Good, everyone with a little influence should be here today." The older girl shrugged, her eyes wandering over to the stage she'd soon be gracing, listening to the wise words of a woman on stage retelling her story of abuse. "This is important shit, Lauren. You want to make a change, it starts here."

The raven-haired girl's eyes wandered around the park, taking in the masses of people that had shown up to hear stories, to hear motivational speeches...to listen. There were cameras everywhere and the entire stage was lit up like a Christmas tree and whether Lauren liked it or not, she was now in the spotlight.

And only then did she realise that to be able to do what she was planning to do, she would need to get accustomed to that spotlight...because it wouldn't be going anywhere. With the progress she intended to introduce, she would need to accept that fame might come with it.

And then Halsey's name was called and Lauren's attention was drawn to her friend. Halsey's tattoos were on full display and Lauren loved her new hair cut, short and black. Halsey looked powerful as she stood behind that mic, gripping it in her hand like the weapon she knew it to be.

The green-eyed girl knew she was about to hear poetry, but that didn't mean she expected what was spoken.

"So I'm here today because I've been to a few of the marches and I've spoken and I think I'll keep coming to these events because I think they'll change the world." Halsey looked across the crowd. "You guys know me through poetry and so I'll stick with that I think."

"The other day I sat that park, my mind at ease until my dog started to bark

See, my dog doesn't bark and so I knew there had to be a problem

I followed his gaze, his hackles up high, and I guess...that's when I saw him

He wasn't particularly strong built and he didn't quite loom over the woman

But his hands held her tight and I knew, this guy...he wasn't a gentleman

He wasn't being forceful but he never relented

She didn't want to kiss him...but I guess she consented

It made me think of all the times I made that choice

All the times I rolled my eyes and stifled my voice

See, we make these decisions thinking we have the power

But us women...all we really do is cower

So I watched as she let him, the same way I always did

And I think of all the things I'm told as a kid

'Hush now, don't speak, only when spoken'

These fatal words leaving more girls torn and broken

Because, you see, at a young age we're taught to be quiet

To bury our heads, to never even entertain the idea to riot

But I stand here today, after countless mistakes

After yelling and crying and finding my voice

To let you all know...guys, love doesn't have to end in heartbreak

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