"You really are the reason I breathe, Camila Cabello."

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"-You're not fucking understanding me," Lauren growled into the phone, her eyes ablaze with an anger that would be lingering. "I want eyes on her any time she's in public. No one touches my wife again."


"Not now, Camz." The green-eyed girl waved her wife off, running a hand through her hair.

Camila sat back on the couch, her eyes never leaving her shaking wife and part of her understood why she was being so excessive, she could understand why this would scare Lauren so much. But Camila wanted Lauren to talk to her about it, not force this extra security that would only lead to frustrating Camila. Lauren needed to let out the fear residing in her words more than Camila needed to have eyes on her every waking minute.

"Laur, maybe you need a minute?" Normani tried this time, standing up to place a hand gently on the raven-haired girl's shoulder only to have it shrugged off. "Come on, we can sort this out tomorrow. Right now, you're home and Camila is safe and she probably just wanted to be curled up next to you for a while, don't you think?"

"Camila isn't safe, Normani," Lauren hissed, eyes as cold as ice as they met her friend's. "I'm trying to ensure she is."

"You're acting like a dick, Jauregui," Dinah chimed in, flipping her hair over her shoulder, earning a disapproving look from everyone in the room. "What? Someone had to say it."

"She's allowed to feel how she's feeling." Vero sent a glare towards the blonde. "Trust me, she's well within her rights to be protective."

"She's being erratic," Alessia shook her head slowly. "Camila doesn't need erratic, she needs understanding and reassurance."

"Camila can decide what Camila needs," Said girl groaned, standing with a little struggle and taking the phone from her frazzled wife with her able hand. "Be here with me for a minute, mi amor."

Everyone could see Lauren had a retort on the tip of her tongue, but when green met brown...she was left speechless. Her eyes softened and took on that tender look that was reserved purely for Camila and...nothing else mattered to Lauren other than that moment. With her wife right before her, breathing, smiling that soft smile Lauren knew told her that everything would be all right.

She cupped Camila's face in her hands and pressed their foreheads together, their breaths mingling and sending a warm chill that raised the hairs on their arms. It was magical, like the very first touch they'd ever shared.

Camila was here.

Camila was okay.

Camila wasn't Lucy.

"Hello, my beautiful mess." Camila spoke softly, pressing a kiss to Lauren's forehead as the green-eyed girl wrapped her arms around her wife and let her head come to rest on the brunette's chest. "I'm okay, see? I'm not going anywhere."

"And that's our cue to disperse." Vero announced to everyone else in the room, nudging Dinah to let her know there were no hard feelings between them. "First round's on you, Hansen. I'm thinking Hardy's?"

A choir of 'yes' sounded throughout the apartment and only two were left standing in it five minutes later.

"I want to kill him." Lauren lifted her head, leading Camila over to the couch and perching them both down.

"I know."

"He hurt you."

"You can't be angry in front of people, Laur," Camila reminded her wife. "You can't speak with anger as your motivation, you need to be clear and precise when you address this."

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