3. A terrible day Harrison Osterfield

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A terrible day, Harrison Osterfield 

Point of view: yours

Status: unedited

Word count: 450

Happy reading!

"Oh come on! Really?" You screamed in frustration yelling at the school bus who had just ruined your outfit. 

You grumbled in annoyance and went to call your boyfriend Harrison to see if he could drive you to school.

"Yeah Y/N? What's up?" He asked groggily. 

"Haz, can you pick me up? I just missed the bus." You asked trying to hide your anger but it was no use as Haz could easily tell you were annoyed.

"Sure babe. Everything alright?" He asked.

"Just had a bad day is all."

"What's wrong chum?" Harrison questioned.

"I missed the bus, woke up late, my outfit is ruined, I have 4 tests today, coach extended practice for another hour and I barely got 3 hours of sleep." You complained. 

"Babe, we talked about this. You've gotta get more sleep." Harrison warned.

"I know, I'll get better at that." You promised.

You could hear him sigh at the other side of the call.

"Ok, I'll be there in less than 20 minutes. I gotta pick up Tom too." He told you. 

"Ok thanks Haz." 

"No problem, See you in a bit." He said and hung up the phone. 

You decided to study for a bit realizing there was still a hug patch of mud on your t shirt. You groaned but sat down cursing at yourself for not asking Harrison to bring you another outfit and began to revise for your exams. As promised, Harrison came less than 20 minutes later with your favorite Starbucks order. You climbed into the car gratefully accepting the drink and began to sip on it happily.

"Thought you could use a caffeine boost." He smiled kissing your cheek. 

"Thanks Haz, really." You smile back. 

"And to fix that outfit, check the dashboard." He said keeping his eyes on the road. 

Curious, you look at the dashboard and found an oversized sweatshirt that belonged to Haz. You smile and gratefully took the sweatshirt slipping it over the messed up t shirt.

"Thanks Haz, your the best." You say quickly pecking his cheek. 

"Too much PDA." Tom screamed in the back.

You flipped him off and snuggled into Haz's shoulder as he drove to school.

Although the day had started off shitty, Harrison somehow made any bad day 2000 times better.

End of chapter*

Sorry about the shortness but I love this imagine.

Also don't be afraid to send me any requests! I'd be happy to do them. 

Please follow my tom Holland edits page on instagram 


Thanks for reading!


Tom Holland/ Harrison Osterfield/ Peter Parker Imagines [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now