4. The new kid (Peter Parker) #1

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The new kid -Peter Parker #1

Word count: 2,153


Point of view: yours

Happy Reading!

You groan as your alarm clock blasted loudly waking you up from your beauty rest. Pulling the endless amount of blankets and stuffed animals on your bed over your head, you crawl back deeper and deeper hoping it could be your escape. 

Today was going to be rough. Starting a new school, getting used to your millionaire cousin who just so happened to be the one and only Tony Stark, making new friends and the list went on. Thankfully, your cousin had introduced you to a boy who was attending the same school you were prior to your arrival. Peter Parker. Peter was one of Tony's 'teammates' as he was also on the Avengers. The two of you instantly clicked and became good friends quickly. Your phone buzzed and saw a text from Peter saying he would be walking to school with you. You typed your reply and crawled back into the covers.

As if expecting you to go back to bed, your cousin called and you saw a 3D reflection of him in a plane.

"You should be up by now." Your cousin said absentmindedly as if he was distracted by something else. 

"I am." You responded with the same mindset as your cousin. "Clearly you would see if you were paying attention at all." You added crossing your arms across your chest. 

"Hm? What did you say?" Tony asked.

You scoffed in annoyance and began picking up your room ignoring what he asked you.

"You know, I don't know why you bother calling if you don't actually care." You added coldly. 

Tony sighed.

"Y/N, we talked about this, this is what your mom would have wanted." 

"What? Me living with a cousin who is never home, never available to talk to, heck, ask me how my day went or even say good morning to me. This is not what she would have wanted." You answer angrily. 

"Y/N, look I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me too. Your mom wouldn't have wanted you to live with strangers-"

You cut him off

"You don't realize that you're basically a stranger to me! You don't know what she would have wanted because she's dead!"  You yell in frustration.

Tony sighed once more and you could see the sleep deprivation in his eyes. 

Deciding to cut him some slack, you added more calmly "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." 

"It's ok. Look kiddo, I know I'm always away on business but I'm only a phone call away if you ever want to talk. I'm here for you kiddo, please know that alright?" He told you. 

You nodded as your phone buzzed and you saw a text from Peter which made you smile. Tony took notice and reminded himself to tease you about it later.

"Ok. I gotta go, Peter's gonna be here any minute." You say. 

"Alright, try and have a good day at school ok?" Tony responded.

You nodded and hesitated before you said: "Love you." 

Tony smiled.

"Love you too kiddo. Be safe. Tell me everything that happened at school today. Also, don't forget to eat breakfast. And Steve will be coming in to check on you around 7 pm. And don't-"

Tom Holland/ Harrison Osterfield/ Peter Parker Imagines [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now