11. Love will keep us together PT.1 (Peter Parker #2 )

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Word count- 430

status- Unedited 

love will keep us together- Peter Parker #2

happy reading!

 Set during infinity war*

You glanced outside the bus window and noticed all the chaos that was outside. Your boyfriend Peter locked eyes for a couple seconds and you squeezed his hand and he wrapped his arms around you. He kept looking outside and you knew what he was thinking. 

"Peter Benjamin Parker. Don't freaking think about it." You demand. 

You saw the look on your boyfriend's eyes and you could tell he was looking for trouble. Peter glanced at you with worry in his eyes.

"Babe, I can't just sit here and watch people getting killed when I can be doing something about it." Peter shuts his eyes. 

"What about me? What about us? I can't lose you, Pete." You add.

"I know babe, I can't lose you too. That's why I have to fight. To make sure you're safe." He squeezes your hand.

"What if you die?" You ask.

"Then I die. I'll always be with you. Love will keep us together." He says. 

You glance out the window and thought of your dad.

Your father, The famous Tony Stark was probably fighting in the fight. He warned you and Peter about the dangers that you would face multiple times. 

"Oh my god, is my dad okay?" You ask. 

Peter wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. 

"Babe, it will be alright," Peter assures you. 

"Go." You croak out. 

Peter glances at you. 

"You sure? I can stay with you." 

"No, I need you to make sure my dad is safe." You tell him.

Peter nods and turns to your other friend Ned. 

"Ned, I need you to create a distraction." He tells Ned locking eyes with you. 

Ned nods and screams "We're all gonna die!" 

All the kids rush to the back of the bus allowing you and Peter time alone for what could be the last time. 

Peter gives you a kiss and hugs you before changing into his suit. 

"Be safe." You demand. 

Peter nods. 

"I will babe." 

You kiss Peter once more. 

"I love you Y/N." He says. 

"I love you too Pete."

Peter smiles at you before jumping out the window swinging around the bus. 

You watch helplessly as he swings further and further away from you. 

Ned looks at you.

"Y/N, he'll be alright." 

You sigh fiddling with a bracelet. 

"I hope so. You better come back to me Peter Benjamin Parker." 

End of part 1*

Next few parts will be for this mini-series. '

I still don't really know how long this series will be

Thanks for reading!


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