12. Love will keep us together Pt 2

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12. Love will keep us together part 2- Peter Parker

Word count-617

Status- unedited

Point of view- 3rd person

It's been 2 months since Peter left.

You watched the news in the Avengers tower helplessly watching everyone you love die.

"I SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING," You shouted throwing a plastic cup at the wall.

Pepper walked up to you with a look of concern in her eyes.

"Everything alright Y/N?" She asked.

You gave her a weak nod.

She sighed and your dog came up to you and you picked him up to set him next to you.

"You know, I understand what you're going through. I miss your father just as much as you miss Peter." Pepper smiles.

You offer a small smile but continue staring off into space hoping Peter would come home soon.

Meanwhile on Titan*

"Mr. Stark?" Peter looks at his mentor.

"Yeah kid?" Tony responds.

"I-I don't feel so good." He says.

Tony looks at the kid with worry.

Peter starts to feel queasy and faint as Tony realizes what's happening.

"No, kid. I need you to stay with me. I promised Y/N I'd bring you back home alive." Tony choked out.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm sorry." Peter sobbed.

"Kid, stay with me," Tony ordered.

Peter placed a bracelet on Tony's palm.

"Give this to her. I-I love you Y/N." Peter says.


"I'm sorry Y/N," Peter says sobbing before fading into dust.

Tony tried to catch the dust particles before sobbing down on his knees. 

A few days later*

Tony managed to get back to earth safely with the guilt buried inside him knowing he didn't fulfill his promise he made to his daughter.

Peter was dead because of him.

Half the population were dead because of him.

He slowly made his way to the Avengers tower dreading to see the pain in his daughter's eyes.

He rang the virtual doorbell and immediately he could hear footsteps running to get the door open.

"Dad?" You asked.

"Hi sweetheart," Tony said weakly.

"Oh my god." You respond collapsing him into a hug. 

After enjoying the embrace for a few moments, she popped the question Tony had been dreading to answer. 

"Wait, where's Peter?" You question.

Tony winced.

You saw the pain in his eyes knowing Peter was gone.

"No, no no no no. This can't be a happening!" You exclaim.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Tony manages to squeak out.

"This isn't real. Peter promised me. He promised me he would come home." You scream sobbing.

Tony wrapped his arms around you trying to comfort you but failed miserably.

"He promised me, dad." You choke out.

"I know sweetheart. I know. "

End of part 2


Thanks for reading!!

I can't believe we're almost at 800 reads.

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to upload as frequently.

School has bite me in the butt and I'm struggling to get all my work done on time. 

I just went to homecoming with a group of friends and we all had so much fun.

I might do a homecoming dance related imagine, so comment if that's something you want to see.

On top of that, the debate season kicked off a few weeks ago meaning I have less time to upload. I have to write at least 4 new speeches every week until the end of November. 

Please bare with me with the slow updates.


What are your thoughts on this short series? There will probably be a few more parts to this but I don't know how long I want this to be. 



Message me on Wattpad.

They would greatly help with my lack of updates.

Thanks for reading!


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