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   Jungkook was stuck. He could hear the voice of him mom, talking to some guy she brought home from the bar. They where both drunk and giggling and Jungkook wanted to run because he knows what's going to happen and did not want to be in the same place when it does.

Jungkook peeped through the crack in the door and saw the guy touching him moms waist and whispering in her ear.

Jungkook cringed before shutting the door. He grabbed the gun and decided to actually fill it up, just to practice and to get his mind off of the thing happening in the living room.

He took the gun apart, putting it back together as fast as he could. He felt a little pride in knowing that he was good with guns. He learned it from his dad before he left.

His mom suddenly yelled, but it wasn't a sound from pleasure. He heard something breaking and he quickly threw his door opened and yanked the guy off his mom who was thrashing on the couch.

"The hell," the guy slurs before Jungkook punches his face. He blacks out immediately.

Jungkook drops the man and goes over to his crying mom.

"Oh, Jungkook! My precious Kook," she cries as she hugs his chest, "You saved me!" She dramatically cries.

Jungkook moved the hair out of his moms wet eyes, "Did he hurt you?"

She shakes her head as she mumbles, "No. no. He hates me. I knew he would."

Jungkook sadly sighs and lets her cling on to him. That's one of her problems. She thinks every man hates her, so she doesn't try. I don't know how she got the mind set, but he could tell that she even doubts him sometimes.

"No, not every man hates you," he says, rubbing her back comfortably.

"I'm a horrible mother!" She cries, "My son back at home doesn't love me," he says, her eyes closing as she slightly sways.

"He does love you," Jungkook sadly says but she shakes her head, "He shouldn't, though."

She then passes out slumped in his lap.

Jungkook frowns, his eyes watering. What happen to his mother to make her like this?

He picked her up and took her to her dirty room, moving clothes off the bed and laying her down. He took her heels and jewelry off, putting the covers over her body. He stepped over the passed out man in the living room as he got a glass of water and an Advil, taking it and setting it by her bed.

He closed her door and grabbed the man off the floor, throwing him on the ground outside, waking him up.

"Get the fuck out of here," Jungkook threatened, crossing his arms to make his muscles stand out.

The guy whines, "Sorry, dude! I didn't know she had a boyfriend!" He stumbles to his car and quickly drives away.

It probably wasn't the best idea to let him drive, but he didn't want to let the rapist stay in his house.

Jungkook sighs and goes back in, locking the door and cleaning up the broken glass.


The next day at school, Jungkook looked for a certain someone. When he finally saw the guy, he went over and pushed him up against the locker. Everyone in the halls stopped and some people started to whisper.

"Bro! Get your hands off me!" The guy says, pushing at Jungkook.

Jungkook grabbed the guys collar and brought him closer to his face, "If you lay a hand on Taehyung one more time, I will fucking murder you."


Jungkook shoved the guy again, making the lockers bang, "Who do you think, dumbass!"

The guy was strong, but Jungkook had a very dominant vibe that could make any guy, no matter how big, submit.

The guy pushed Jungkook off him, but Jungkook just gave him a look. Jungkook knew that this look was scary. He had to keep this look on his face when he visited his father in prison years ago.

The guy's eyes were wide, "Okay! Okay!" He finally says, giving in to Jungkook's words.

Jungkook glared before he walked away and into his first period.

He needed to do that. He couldn't bare watching his friend get tortured for no reason. And that video really pissed him off.

When Jungkook went inside the bathroom during lunch to find Taehyung, he wasn't there. He went to the cafeteria to look around, but he wasn't inside, not even with Jimin who was on his phone as he scrolled through twitter.

Jimin looked up and caught Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook nodded his head to tell him to follow as Jungkook walked out.

Once in the hall, Jimin spoke, "Hey, I heard what you did today. What was it about?" He asks, referring to the thing in the hallway.

Jungkook shrugged, "Just told him something. Anyway, where is Taehyung?"

Jimin shrugged, "Don't know."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Last night."

Jungkook raises his eyebrow. Jimin waved it off, "Is he not in the restroom?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"Is he at home?"

Jungkook shrugged, "We can check up on him."

"Yeah, lets bring him lunch," Jimin said. Jungkook rolled his eyes but let the shorter man get a lunch from the cafeteria and walk out the school doors.

Jimin lead them to his Range Rover, "Do you know where he lives?"

Jungkook thought, "I think. Somewhere close between our houses because my house is close to the pond, and I know his is too."

"I know his house is close to mine too," Jimin claims.

Jungkook nodded and Jimin drove around, turning down streets close to the woods with the pond until they see a mailbox with the same last name as Taehyung's.

The house was small, but bigger than Jungkook's trailer. The outside looked like it hasn't been tamed in a while, and it reminded Jungkook of his home.

The two boys got out and went up the the front door, knocking.

It opened a slither, and Jimin jerked back when he saw an eye look through. Suddenly the door is thrown open and Taehyung stands there with a shocked look.

"What are you guys doing here?" He hisses, the two boys taken back but his anger.

"Why aren't you at school? Oh, and we brought lunch." Jimin holds up the brown sack.

Taehyung let the boys come in. Jimin noticed the mess right away, and how the walls had dents and holes. They followed Taehyung to his room.

It was a very small room, only fitting two small beds, and a little closet by the window.

"Who's bed is this?"

Taehyung didn't look up as he opened the foil to take the sandwich out, "It was my sisters."

The two boys nodded. They didn't say much as Taehyung once again gobbled the food within minutes.

"How did you find where I lived?"

Jimin shrugged, "It took a while but just through context clues."

Taehyung nodded. He felt exposed. They know where and what he lives in. He's just happy they don't know how.

"So why did you stay home?

Taehyung didn't want to deal with the embarrassment and harassment at school, but he didn't want to tell them that.

"I felt bad."

Of course they knew he was lying, but what could they do?

Jimin was looking around at the little stuff he had. He found a notebook and was about to flip through it when the front door opening could be heard.


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