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Jungkook smirked down at his smaller boyfriend and leaned down, smashing their lips together and slamming Jimin against the locker to make sure they got everyone's attention.

Jimin bit Jungkook's lip making Jungkook groan and squeeze Jimin's hips.

They could both hear people whispering around them, and knew that by the end of the day they should be the only topic.

Jungkook pulled back and smiled at Jimin who looked frazzled.

"Wow," he chuckled.

"You think that was a good enough show?" Jimin asks, his fingers finding Jungkook's hair, "you also just came out to the school."

"I don't care," Jungkook says, "what I do care about is you and Taehyung. I would do anything for you two."

Jimin sweetly smiled and leaned back up to give him another kiss.

They finally looked around and they were surprised to see phones out. Of course, fucking Snapchat most likely.

Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and lead them through the crowd of people, "Okay, Jiminie," Jungkook gets his attention, "go to class but if anyone messes with you tell me, okay?"

"I've been out for a while, you should be worried about people messing with you," Jimin tells him.

"No, people fear me for some reason."

Jimin just chuckles, "Have you seen you? You're scary and big."


"In many ways," Jimin whispers, giggling when Jungkook smirks and reaches down to squeezes Jimin's ass.

"Damn right."

The tardy bell rung and the two boys quickly separated to go to class.


Yoongi groaned as he sat up from the couch and massaged the crick in his neck. Taehyung was right, this couch isn't meant to be a couch.

Yoongi stumbled up and goes to the bathroom, peeking into his room. He wasn't expecting to see Taehyung awake, but he was.


Taehyung looks over, "Hey," Taehyung softly whispered, looking away again.

Yoongi sighed and decided that Taehyung didn't feel like talking. He went into the bathroom and did his business. He went to the kitchen and decided to make toast just incase Taehyung was hungry.

Yoongi walked in with a plate of only one toast, the other he ate. He set it beside Taehyung with a glass of water.

"Please eat. It will help you fell better."

Taehyung takes a deep breath, "I have a headache," he mumbles, "I don't want to talk."

Yoongi nodded and left to get him some pain killers. He came back and placed them on the beside table, "Headache doesn't give you the excuse to not eat."

Yoongi walks out.


Jimin smirks as he sees him and Jungkook making out on everyone's Snapchat stories.

It was lunch time and Jungkook was looking at this phone as well, staring at Taehyung's contact.

"I want to call him," Jungkook says, looking over at Jimin.

Jimin puts his phone away and nods, "Then do."

Jungkook nods and clicks his contacts and waits as the phone rings, putting it on speaker.

Suddenly it get picks up, "Hello?"


"No, it's Yoongi."

Jimin frowns.

"Where is Tae?"

"In bed. I'm trying to get him to eat so I should probably go."

"Okay, well, tell him we love him."

"Yeah, Okay, and can I give you advice?"


"Don't call again."

And with that Yoongi hangs up.


This was short I'm sorry, but I need to get ready to leave. I don't know when I will be able to update so please don't abandon my book :(
I really love you guys💜

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