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It was midnight and the town was silent and dark. Taehyung sat on the pier, breathing in the familiar scent. He missed coming here alone. This was his safe spot, and he sneaked out just so he can have some time to think.

What did his father want with him? He hated Taehyung, so why would he look for him? He doesn't understand. A breeze blew by, making Taehyung get goosebumps. He leans over to look down at the water, seeing the moon reflecting behind him. It was very pretty, and Taehyung wished he had brought his notebook so he could capture it.

Taehyung let his eyes wander around until they spotted something shining from behind the log that sits over to the side. Taehyung stands up and makes his way over, picking up the object. It was Jungkook's gun. Huh, what was it doing out here?

Taehyung felt weird holding the gun since he wasn't using it as a prop. He held it away from his body and tried to figure out how to open it to see if it had bullets inside.

That resulted in the gun accidentally going off making Taehyung screech and drop the gun, his heart pounding from surprise. Luckily, the gun wasn't pointed towards him, but now he worries he woke up the houses nearby.

Taehyung decided to put the gun back into its place. He shouldn't mess with things he doesn't know about. Geez, he could have really hurt someone.

He sighs and sits back on the pier, not noticing when his eyes start to get heavier until he's laying down, drifting off to sleep.


"Jungkook! Open this damn door!" Jimin yelled as he pounded on the rusting door that belongs to the trailer house.

The door swung opened and Jin stood there with messy hair and a scowl on his face, "Jimin? What the hell?"

Jimin moved passed Jin and didn't even knock when he barged into Jungkook's room, slamming a hand down on his ass that was sticking out the covers.

"Oh man, holy shit!" Jungkook hissed as he started to run his hand over his butt. He opened his eyes to Jimin standing above him.

"What the fuck?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes to see if he was seeing clearly. He couldn't be seeing Jimin this early in the morning. That's too much to deal with when you just wake up.

"Jungkook, Get up. Taehyung is missing!"

Jungkook sits up, "What? How? When?"

Jimin yanked Jungkook's covers off, ignoring his exposed chest, (and abs), and definitely ignored his obvious morning wood.

"Help me find him. I'm worried sick, and your bitch ass doesn't have a phone so I had to drive all the way down here to wake you up. Ugh!" Jimin says.

Jungkook stands up and picks a shirt off from the floor, "Let me get dressed. Sorry we aren't all rich," he mutters as he passes Jimin to go piss.

Jimin impatiently stands in Jungkook's room, slightly judging the horrid mess. Disgusting.

Jungkook comes back in, looking more refreshed and had his signature boots on, "Come on," Jungkook says, grabbing his jacket.

They rush to Jimin's car, but Jimin pauses before starting it up.

"What are you waiting for? His dad probably has him!" Jungook says, starting to realize the situation that Taehyung must have been in.

Jimin opens the car and jumps out, "I didn't even think about checking the pond. Let's do that first."

Jungkook doesn't agree at first, but then decides to follow Jimin into the woods.

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