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Taehyung could barely see. His breathing sounded struggled and his heart was breaking as he sobbed in uttermost agony.

He didn't even know how he got himself into his room. He could barely move. He thought that sleep would make everything hurt less, but when he woke up this morning it felt like it had just happened.

It occurred last night when his dad came home. He demanded Taehyung to make him dinner like always. Afterward, Taehyung watched him take a bottle of bleach out the only grocery bag he had brought in, and screwed the top off. His dad got a glass down from the cabinet and poured the glass full of bleach.

He pushed it towards Taehyung. "Drink it."

Taehyung was scared, of course. He shook his head, but that made his father angry. "Drink it!" His dad yelled this time, making the poor boy start to shake in fear.

Taehyung shook his head again, his eyes watering as he closed them. He knew what was coming.

Taehyung gasped, holding his cheek from the sudden slap. His dad glared at him and brought his fist down this time, bringing Taehyung to his knees.

"No," Taehyung cried, holding his throbbing eye.

His dad glared at him, "Drink or get beat."

Taehyung wasn't going to fucking drink bleach.

So once his dad was done abusing the boy, he left him to pass out on the kitchen floor. But sadly enough, Taehyung couldn't pass out. His face was puffy and bloody, he could feel it.

Taehyung could barely think, but he knew he had to get to his room. His safety.

The rest Taehyung doesn't remember.

Taehyung couldn't move once he woke up in the morning. He didn't even care about missing school. He didn't think about his friends. He just hurt.

He didn't even think about how he must have looked. He wish he could see what his dad destroyed, but he couldn't move even though he needed to pee so bad.

After a while, he couldn't ignore his bladder and painfully sat up in bed. He groaned as he pushed himself to stand up, his chest heaving as every movement seemed to hurt his ribs.

After he pissed, he removed all his clothes to see the damage. Taehyung gasped, his hand covering his mouth. There was multiple spots that where dark purple on his chest and stomach. But the thing that shocked him the most was his face.

There was no way he could ever hide this. His eyes were swollen and turning yellow. His lip had a deep cut, and his jaw was darkening to form a faint bruise.

"Oh my..." Taehyung brokenly whispered as he stared at the horror in front of him.

Taehyung couldn't look anymore, so he turned away and changed his bloody clothes for the comfortable ones Jimin gave him.

It was painful to to change, so after he struggled with his sweat pants, Taehyung left his shirt off. He ran out of energy quick, getting back in bed and falling asleep once again.


The two boys waited by the stairs for Taehyung, but he never showed up for lunch.

"Do you think he stayed home again?"

"Most likely."

Jimin asked, "Should we check up on him?"

"It wouldn't hurt."

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