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It's very important you read this section.

The world has always been a tough place. As the years go by more terrors and problems seem to arise.
To fight back the horrors of the world a secret society was developed. In the beginning a council of adults and elders tried to develop ways to fight back against the evils, but had little success.
In 1895 they found the Gem Springs. They learned how to harness and stabilize the gems that emerged from the spring, but only two appeared each year. All seemed well for the first two years. The ones who used the gems developed powers unknown to human-kind, but after some time they began transforming into horrific monsters.
The remaining council discovered that the younger a person was, the longer they seemed to last. They calculated that children could resist the darkness of the gems and in 1900 they began using children. They take orphans with high potential so no one will miss them. They take a male and female each year, each gem granting a different gift and preserving a child at their current age. (Meaning that once they use the gem they don't age anymore)
Their duty is to the world, protecting it from itself and doing all they can to better this earth. They're instrumental in major world changes and are often behind the scenes for world altering events. They're meant to act as a guiding hand, although it's often a very tough job for a group of kids and not all the kids are quite up for it all.

There are a total of 4 branches around the world.

The first is the main one in America that we've been role playing in. It looks over both North and South America. This was the first branch, simply because it's where the springs were found.

The second branch is in Europe. Located in Kenmore, Perthshire Scotland. It looks after Europe and Asia. They have several homes in many Asian and European countries for members to stay in for away jobs. They have the most scattered houses of any of the branches.

The next is in Hobart Australia. The Australian branch is in charge of Australia and keeps extra eyes on the ocean.

And lastly we go to Luxor Egypt for the African branch. It's the newest branch and took over Africa from the Australian branch.

All the branches work together well and keep each other informed. They always welcome each other into the many spread out houses.

I'm sure you guys know most the rules by now, so I'll keep it brief.
1. Your character can behave as badly as you'd like, but you need to be nice.
2. Don't use other people's stuff
3. Don't be OP or anything
4. Please give full responses. Don't let just one person lead the whole thing. It takes two to make these things good.

Disclaimer: I thought of this idea for a book and may write it at some point. Joining this RP allows me to use character likeness and events in the possible book. I would never use anything word for word, but just making sure you're aware.

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