Existing Magic

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In a world where magic is being discovered, the groups are trying to keep record of what is and isn't real and what's true about them. This list will be updated as the adventures continue. Anything that isn't listed means there's no proof of its existence or lack there of. Of course, it's pretty tricky to prove something doesn't exist, but there have been a few de-bunks.
If there's anything you're looking for that's not on the list than make a comment and we'll talk about it! I'm also willing to listen to any arguments saying something should or shouldn't exist!

- Centaurs
- Harpy's
- Leprechauns
- Vampires

- Cupid/Cupid's Bow (although the reality of Cupid is much different than we think)
- Demons
- Dragons (only real small ones so far)
- Excalibur
- Fire Slugs
- Gods & Goddesses
- Greek Heroes (it's just a question of them being Demi-Gods)
- Grim Reapers
- Imps
- King Arthur and the Round Table
- Medusa (unconfirmed until someone role plays an encounter)
- Mermaids
- Pandora's Box
- Pegasus
- Sirens
- Unicorns
- Witches

Altered Stories:
Cupid - Cupids are more of hunters and huntresses than love-makers. Their bows give them the power to increase certain body chemicals, which often can be mistaken for love.
Mermaids - It's custom that when you hear a mermaid singing, you reply in a song, otherwise they will not appear to you. Once they appear you are to give them a gift to show good will.

Powers: (Any easy list to consult for taken powers and power-ideas)
Ice, Cold Resistant, Temperature Control,
Water Shift, Storms,
Fire Breath, Fire Hands,
Spontaneous Combustion,
Quick Sand, Sand Waves,
Earth Manipulation, Shadow, Gravity,
Wind Bursts,
Poisonous Snakes,
Vines, Flowers, Aquatic Plants
Physical Mutations
Ram Horns, Hardening,
Bird Talons, Claws,
Swiss Army Hands
Demon, Beasts, Phoenix, Weapons,
Dolphin, Penguin,
Puma, Dog
Intelligence, Knowledge Absorption,
Communication, Sonic, Consumption,
Siren Song, Pheromones, Surface Walk,
Empath, Emotion Reading, Navigation,
Strength, Super Punch, Air Density,
Enhanced Vision, X-Ray Vision,
Underwater Breathing, Fish Abilities,
Indestructible, Dance, Invisibility
Magic & Abilities
Portals, Teleportation, Storage Dimension,
Endless Food, Object Duplication,
Forcefield, Unbreakable Screen,
Glitter Bomb, Spell Book, Item Camo,
Mending, Script, Danger Warning,
Past Life Recall, Technopath
Shadow Creatures, Death Touch,
Short Circuit

Water Manipulation, Fire Shifting, Lava,
Chemical Morph, Acid, Electricity,
Trees, Vegetation, Succulents, Fungus,
Bug Control, Rodent Control, Bird Control,
Animal Communication
Physical Mutations
Antlers, Tentacles, Extra Limbs,
Limb ReGrowth, Wheels,
Tail, Scorpion Tail, Magic Hair.
Shark Teeth, Shrink,
Angel Wings, Butterfly Wings,
Phasing, Camouflage, Glow, Head Lamp,
Grappling Hook Hands, Spikes/Quills,
Birds, Cats, Reptiles, Bugs, Fish,
Water Mammals, Marsupials, Dinosaur,
Human Morph, Skin Texture, Gender,
Mirror, Ooze, Metal, Diamond
Perfect Memory, Sound Mimic, Lasers,
Flexibility, Speed, Flight, Levitation, Jump,
Complete Silence, Enhanced Hearing,
Enhanced Taste, Enhanced Smell,
Accuracy, 6th Sense, Dream Inception,
Photo Capture, Speed Read, Immunity,
Telepathy, Telekinesis, Magnetic, Tireless,
Compass Sense
Magic & Abilities
Self-Duplication, Dimension Hopping,
Radio Frequency, Illusions,
Energy Blast, Explosives,
Quick Change, Necromancy, Broom Flight,
"Are What You Eat" in which certain foods grant limited time power,
Astral Projection, Healing, Sedation,
Familiar, Cursing, Toon Rules
Midus Touch, Age Cycle, Zombie, Disease,
Drunken Rage

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