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With the discovery of more and more magic, comes the discovery of magic items. There's a group of people who use these magic items and call themselves 'Wielders.' Their a magic-wielding group that work for 'The Company.'
Wielders go through a bonding procedure with their weapons/magical items and that's what gives them their eternal youth. This group takes people between the ages of 16-25 to be the bonding group. The Company is essentially a much smaller version of The Society. This group seeks to harness magic for their own use rather than trying to better the world. Just be careful, because weapons can reject their hosts and it can lead to high consequences.

Age (16-25)
Year Preserved (1960+)
Cover Name
Weapon/Magic Item
Talents (optional)
Attire (optional)
Theme Song (optional)

Their not so much the enemy of the society, but of their competition when it comes to finding magic. The society would like to start collecting weapons to train their agents on, but Wielders have been in this business much longer and seem to show up whenever the society gets close. If the society does succeed in acquiring a magic item, it'll show up on the positions page as open for a new recruit to use.
However, they won't always be working against each other. Now that the Company and the Society have acknowledged each other's existence, member of the Company can be hired for extra help.

Taken Weapons:
Heads of Houses:
Pandora's Box - Emersyn @me
Excalibur - Arthur Xx_FireBird_xX
Black Pearl - Cooper Xx_FireBird_xX
Caduceus- Zorion @me

Wielders (Alphabetical by Weapon)
Agimat 'Kidala' Mahika Romana (2017) Tunerstories
Andvaranaut 'Golden Boy' William Lexington (2003) Xx_FireBird_xX
Cape of Stars 'Galaxy' Albus Tiberius Rush (2000) @me
Cintamani Stone 'Buddha' Agnes Lowell (1925) @me
Cupid's Bow 'Cupid' Lilac Hope (1985) @me
Dainsleif [Cursed Norse Sword] 'Damsel' Callahan Greis (2002) Tunerstories
Chyrsoar 'King' Edward Galand (1975) Xx_FireBird_xX
Dragon Statue 'Rider' Slaine Longsword (2005) @me
Genie Lamp 'Genie' Antonio Bulanetti (1963) Xx_FireBird_xX
Lucky Coin 'Suit' Carter Bombay (2015) @me
Magic Carpet 'Flyer' Liam Bently (1982) @me
Sharur 'Lead' Braxton Adrian (1960) @me
Sword of Nature 'Dragon' Chia-Hao Lia (2004) Xx_FireBird_xX
Sword of Justice 'Justice' Tobias Powerthief (2015) Xx_FireBird_xX
Thyrsus 'Merlin' Scarlet Morado (1995) @me

Gifted - Fully Taken (Alphabetical by Item)
Earth Bracelet (Daisy) Tunerstories
Golden Shovel (Austin) Xx_FireBird_xX
Hat of Invisibility (Maverick) Xx_FireBird_xX
Icarus Wings (Alistar) Tunerstories
Nullifying Crown (Kyle) Xx_FireBird_xX
Theseus' Sword (Parath) @me
Torch Bracelet (Penny) @me

Gifted - Generic Gifts
Danger Wings (Beatrice, Haruto, Caleb, Clyde)
Drink of Courage (Bhule, Gabriel, Morax)
Endless Plant:
- Cactus (Goma)
- Cherry Blossom (Marv)
- Dandelion (Kai)
- Orange Tree (Margaret)
- Orchid (Viktoria)
Own Weapons (Collin, Xander)

Mythical Pets
Cerberus (Legacy) @me

Brought to Branches:
- Arachne Cloth (Beatrice & Taayin)
- Magical Cloaks (Calista & Ekon)
- Book of Hecate (Daisy & Gabriel)

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