Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 1

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Copyright 2012 : Once Upon A Nightmare

The Emmys Show


A kingdom, not any ordinary kingdom, lies hidden right under the noses of all humans. The few mortals who find it never live to tell the tale, for there is another kingdom, an evil kingdom, who believes all mortals should be slaves or food. The kingdoms have battled for years, but never has a victor been proclaimed. Time is running out, and with the Prince away from home the King and Queen of the good kingdom have much to worry about. 

“He’ll never find a bride out there!” Queen Esmerelda exclaims. 

“Now don’t you worry, his plan is better than any other and only he can find the girl,” King Charles says. “It’s not like we can stick him with some princess and win.”

“I know that,” The Queen frowns. 

“Then why are you worrying, love?” 

“What if we run out of time? I can assure you that the other kingdom is searching for the girl too and is going to get her first or steal her from our son!”

“We aren’t going to flaunt her in front of a crowd, we’ll keep her in secret,” The King reassures his wife. 

“But the prophecy says that we would win after the arrival of the psychic princess. We have to claim her, but during the fighting the other kingdom could steal her!” 

“You are worrying too much.”

“I am not!” The Queen hisses. “Maybe I am... but for a good cause. What if the princess he  is supposed to meet is human?”

“She can become a vampire.”

“But if the other prince gets to her first she’ll be bait for them. They would kill her or use her against us!” The Queen panicked.

There was a scream from outside interrupting them. Some guards were trying to break up a fight that broke out on the streets between vampires fighting over a meal. The King shook his head, “Blood bank is running low. If the prophecy isn’t fulfilled soon we might have to start killing humans.”

“For a whole city? Do you know how many humans we would have to kill?!” The Queen asks incredulously at the notion. 

King Charles replied simply, “What other choice do we have?”

The Queen returns to the window, “I hope he’s alright out there. How long can it take to find a bride?”

“Months, possibly,” The King replies joining her at the window. “He’ll know when he finds her, but we just have to make sure no one notes his absence.”

“He’s been gone for a week,” The Queen says. “Someone will start asking questions.”

“We will tell them, the Prince is very busy with learning all the duties he has to assume as future King.”

“I suppose, I just hope this will be over soon,” Queen Esmerelda sighs.


I hope you guys liked this! It is different from my usual Jasper Hale stories, still


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