Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 19

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-Chapter 19-

In my dreams, the only place I am safe, I am woken up by a very loud screech from the hallway. More screams follow and my vision comes rushing back to me - the invasion! 

I can’t hide! I must escape! But how? As soon as I realize there really is no way to escape I hide under my bed. If I saw this and it happened does that really mean that I am a psychic? Or am I just crazy? 

Luke comes through the door looking ruffled. He pulls me out from under the bed he growls at me menacingly, “Do. Not. Leave this room.” 

I nod slowly, “I won’t.” 

He walks out of the room and I hear the key locking the door. A few seconds later I hear the ear piercing screams of some vampires. 

I need to help Michael. I am desperate to see him! I think back to a passage in that book I read about humans getting weaker after not being with their mate. Maybe I couldn’t fight, but I could be a distraction. I could help. 

First, I have to find a way to escape. I went to the door first, obviously I was having no luck. I found a screwdriver, but that wasn’t going to help me open the door. The windows were bolted shut, and I couldn’t even break them. The glass was too strong. 

I looked for any secret doors, I literally teared the room apart, but I couldn’t find anything. Nothing. Wow. They really didn’t want me getting out. Even in an emergency situation.

I tried a few times to bust the door down, but I was too weak, and it made me very lightheaded. I hadn’t eaten much in the past weak and I was really starting to feel the affects of it. 

I noticed an air vent on the wall. I took my screwdriver and loosened the bolts until the entire cover was off. It was wide enough for me to fit in especially since I hadn’t been eating properly for months. I was a twig. I could easily move through the vents, but where would they lead me? Could I die in these vents? Thankfully, the air conditioner and heat weren’t on so maybe I could survive. 

I grabbed a chair and climbed into the vent. I crawled around and I peeped through the vents I passed. In the hallway a bunch of bodies were on the ground, slaughtered. Blood was splattered on the walls and some bodies were decapitated. 

I continued to crawl through the vents. I continued to see lifeless corpses of battered vampires. I wondered if Michael or Isabel’s bodies were among these. What if they had already died? What would I do if I escaped? Go back to living my normal human life? My mother and brother- are gone. 

Where would I go? What could I do? I realized something about that vision. Michael was talking to the King and Queen as casually as ever with Isabel. Like... family. Michael was a Prince! Why didn’t he tell me!? I suddenly felt a bunch of anger boil up inside of me, what if he was using me? 

I didn’t know for sure if he actually was or not, but I still felt the anger. I hear the grunts, groans and screams of another fight breaking out. I use all my energy to crawl to the fight. I am able to push the vent open and the vampires are too focused in their fighting to notice me. 

It takes me a second to recuperate before I recognize the faces - Luke and Michael. Michael looks beat, his brown hair is not fluffy - it is matted to his head with blood from the wounds on his face. His blue eyes are completely covered by his dark pupils and his lips are curled into a snarl. Luke’s brown eyes are covered by his pupils, but he looks like he is in much better condition than Michael.

It is hand to hand combat which makes me more nervous. Luke tears out a section of Michael’s flesh causing him to scream. I want to run up, punch Luke and take care of Michael, but I am too weak... too human. 

Michael rips off Luke’s left hand and kicks him below the belt. Luke groans and pounces on him, sending both of the to the floor. He is on top and punches Michael a few times in the face, but Michael comes out on top and rips Luke’s head of his shoulders. It’s over. The good kingdom has won. 

I come out of my hiding spot ignoring how tired I am and the burning of my scar which makes it even worse. I run up to Michael and kiss him on the cheek before stepping back, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE A PRINCE?! DID YOU USE ME? DO YOU EVEN LIKE ME? AM I EVEN YOUR MATE? YOU COULD HAVE DIED YOU-”

All my energy is used up. I can barely stand. I faint in the arms of a very bewildered Michael Thomas. 


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