Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 14

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-Chapter 14- 

Ever since the Friday night Michael and I went out we had been getting closer. It scared me because I was afraid I would lose him just like I had with a lot of other people. That was another thing that scared me - I was becoming attached to a vampire. I had been looking through the All About Vampires book, I was trying to figure out why my scar was still burning. It made me wonder whether Michael was good or evil. I didn’t believe he was evil, but what if he was just leading me on? 

I still have to get him admit to being a vampire. That better be soon because my scar’s burning is driving me crazy!

Everyday for the past two weeks, I stay with Michael until I have to go to rehearsal. Luke seemed to have quit, but I still see him around school even though he tries to avoid me. I try to avoid him too because I would probably punch him before he could get a chance to talk to me. 

Today, I had to ask Michael the question I’ve been trying to avoid for his sake. As soon as the class let out, I brought a chair to his desk and sat down next to him, “Why is my scar burning? I know you know, please tell me!”

A new emotion washes over his face that I can’t seem to pinpoint, “You won’t believe me...”

I mentally smirk, but I know I have to act innocent and confused or else he will know I already know, “Please, tell me.”

“The scar, I have one like it... is a bond between mates. I would know that because I’m a vampire,” He sighs holding my hand tightly like he’s afraid I’m going run away screaming.

“Prove it,” I challenge him.

“Right now, you are feeling smug. I’m assuming it is because you expected this, which is a rather odd conclusion for a human to make,” He states completely bewildering me.


“I have an extra ability, to sense emotions. You are confused now, but somehow you knew I was a vampire.”

“Lucky guess,” I tell him. 

He chuckles and rhetorically asks, “Do humans have fangs?” 

I look at his mouth and see his fangs poking out like in my dream. For some reason, I am not scared, I have to stop looking at his perfect mouth. I switch my gaze to his blue eyes, but that doesn’t help me, the look in them is so overwhelming that it makes me space out for a second before I realize his lips are on mine. 

I can feel his fangs tugging on my lower lip trying to get me to open my mouth. As I do, he deepens the kiss. I become aware that he can feel everything that I do, all my emotions and I suddenly feel like an open book. 

He pulls away abruptly, “Do you believe me yet?”

“Maybe,” I say stubbornly. “So what about all the vampire myths like sleeping in coffins, blood, no human food, the sun-”

“We can sleep, but usually we don’t like coffins. We have to drink blood, but it can be from anywhere. My family likes to get the blood from blood banks. We can eat human food and the sun only burns the weak and new vampires.” He basically quotes the book my aunt sent me. 

“If you are a vampire, why do you want anything to do with me? Wouldn’t you want some vampire girl?” I ask suddenly, having reality come crashing down on me.

“You can become a vampire. I started teaching so I could find my soulmate, I was hoping on meeting her out of luck. That’s how I stumbled upon you,” He grins. 

“So how do you know I’m your mate?” I ask. 

“Well you are the only person here complaining about a burning scar. As the bond between mates gets closer the scar burns less. It’s only when their is trouble that they need to fix that the scar burns.”

“So what do I need to do? It’s not like I’m a tough vampire that can save the world.”

“Actually... there is a prophecy that there is a human who is a psychic who can help the good kingdom of vampires. You are the psychic, but I didn’t want to bring you there against your will.”

“Psychic?!” I snort. “I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner tonight!”

“Can you at least consider the though of it? You knew I was a vampire before I even told you,” He sighs. 

“Okay,” I roll my eyes. “But I don’t really think I have what it takes to be able to save a bunch of vampires. And I want to finish high school before I go around saving anybody.” 

“I told you I wouldn’t be forcing you. You don’t have to do much, I’m not really even sure of what you have to do.” 

“So if I’m helping the good kingdom, I’m going to assume that you aren’t a bad guy?” 

“Well I haven’t dragged you down to the dungeons yet,” He chuckles. 

“This honestly doesn’t shock me.”


“Well after some weird lady came, scraped my wrist with a rock and made me drink... blood which I’m guess would be yours. Nothing really scares or surprises me.” 

“That’s just more proof that you are the psychic,” He tells me. “If a Goddess chooses a human to be mated with a vampire it is for a good reason.”

“So we are mates... which is what level of a relationship?” 

“We can have a secret student teacher relationship,” He teases placing a quick peck on my lips.

“Just what I’ve always wanted,” I say sarcastically.


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