Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 17

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-Chapter 17-

I barely notice the passing of time anymore. After the first week of being locked up in Luke’s kingdom, months became days, weeks became hours, hours became seconds. Luke continued to beat and rape me, and after I had tried to fight back they stopped feeding me as often. 

They feed me twice a week which means the next time I get fed is tomorrow. Hungry isn’t something I know anymore. I don’t feel much anymore. I haven’t felt tired, but I still spend most of the time sleeping as a way of escaping this situation. They wouldn’t let me have any art supplies so I don’t have much to do. I don’t remember what boredom is either. 

I just live each day hoping I die. The visions come more often - usually of Michael or Isabel, but I never know how far away the future is. The visions have grown more painful, they suck out energy that I don’t possess.

I’m not even sure if he still loves me. Luke had been talking to me. He doesn’t do it often, but he had been telling me that I would be his Princess. Nothing would separate us. Not even Michael. He told me he had seen Michael and that Michael hadn’t fought to get me. I can’t think much nowadays, it takes up too much energy with all the visions, but what if Michael doesn’t love me at all?

I begin writhing in pain as a new visions comes, my throat hurts too much to bother screaming.

Michael is in a kingdom, but not where I am. It looks different. He is in the throne chamber, in front of a different King and Queen. 

“He has her,” Michael sounds defeated, he looks like a toddler who just lost his favorite toy.

“The psychic?” The King asks.

“My mate as well,” He tells them. 

“Michael! A human psychic!” The Queen exclaims.

“I love her,” He whispers.

“Of course you do,” The King says. “If the Goddesses chose her, it was for a good reason.”

“We have to attack,” Michael sighs.

“How can we?”

“It says Anna has to arrive, it doesn’t say she has to be in our kingdom,” Isabel finds a loop-hole. 

“Let’s round up the town,” The King orders.

As I come out of the vision, I feel a burning on my cheek and I hear the whack of Luke’s strong hand at the same instant. My eyes focus on him and he says, “Shut up with all the screaming about invasions.” 

I put my hand on my cheek and feel the sticky blood oozing out of my fresh wound, “I will.”

“You will be turned tomorrow. Then, you will become my bride. You must look presentable, I’m calling Avia to stitch you up.” 

I mutely nod. I can not do anything. Even as a vampire. It will be too late. They will kill Michael. The good kingdom will cease to exist.

I think about the vision. An invasion. They will try to fight back, but they won’t succeed because Luke heard my mental screaming. He knows and will be prepared. They can’t win. I’ll have to be his bride. His dainty, dim-witted, weak vampire bride. I should commit suicide now because my future is not looking bright. It is the nightmare I always feared. There is absolutely no hope. None at all.

The room is not sound proof. I hear Luke outside talking to who I assume is the King or a guard, “The girl saw an invasion from the other kingdom.”

“How do you know she wasn’t lying?” 

“Her visions are always like this. She barely can realize any thing now, she probably doesn’t even remember them. Round up everyone for midnight,” He orders.

“Yes, Prince Luke.”

“Not a person out of line. We cannot afford to lose this.”

I step away from the door and slowly make my way to my bed. The slap took a lot out of me not that I had a lot to begin with. I try to analyze the vision, but all my coherent thought is gone. I just want to sleep. Forever. I want this all to be over. I start to forget the vision the more I force myself to analyze it. Why am I doing this? What is happening? 

The door opens causing me to look up from my daze. The vampire nurse, Avia, has come to stitch my cheek which is still pouring out blood. Maybe that’s why I can’t think. No. I just- 

“It’s an easy fix up,” The nurse tells me. She pulls out a medical needle and begins to sew up my wound. “Don’t pop any stitches now. In awhile your blood levels will be normal, just don’t make any sudden movements and rest.”

I nod slowly, “The Prince was talking about an invasion...what invasion?” 

“The other kingdom is coming here, but don’t worry the Prince has made sure that you will be safe.”

“Why is there a fight?” 

“The kingdoms have their differences. The other kingdom wants you, but they can’t find you here. They want to fulfill some prophecy.”

My eyebrows knit together in confusion, “Prophecy?”

“The goddesses chose a human with psychic ability. Once the human was brought to the vampire territory the other kingdom would kill this one.”

“Who is the Princess?”

“It is you-”

“No, I am no psychic,” I say.

The nurse laughs. “Your blood levels,” She mutters. “I’ll bring you some crackers and juice from the kitchen.”

She leaves me and I stand up, but fall back onto the bed. What happened? Maybe I did lose too much blood. This invasion, Michael would try to find me, but the nurse said none of them could get into this room. Of course I couldn’t escape, and I was supposed to be Luke’s bride. Things were just getting worse.

I make myself comfortable on the bed and the nurse returns with the crackers and juice. “Have these before resting, you should be normal in a few hours,” She orders handing me the cracker package.  


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