Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 9

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-Chapter 9-

The final school bell rings, and I let out the breath I have unconsciously been holding in. I have to tell someone about my dream. That is why when the rest of the class gets up to leave, I remain seated. Even if Mr. Thomas is a vampire, he has been the only one who has ever tried to deal with me. 

“Anna, you are aware class is over, correct?” His mellifluous voice sounded. I looked at his eyes, shining blue today and his hair looked fluffier and more like chocolate cotton candy than ever. 

“I know,” I tell him. “I had this... dream. And I feel like if I don’t tell someone I’m going to explode!”

“What about your boy-”

“Don’t mention him or I will punch you again.”

“Well that is a nice way to ask me to listen,” He mutters sarcastically. 

“You’re actually going to listen?” I ask astonished. 

“Not like I have a much else to do. Plus, I kind of want to avoid some of the... persistent female teachers,” He chuckles. 

“So I had been painting,” I begin. “And I ended up dreaming I was in my painting - it was a graveyard with a full moon and a huge willow - the whole Halloween deal. So I saw corpses everywhere. The hill the tree was on was the brightest point, so I went up there. Under the tree, I saw new corpses with blood pouring out of them. As I continued dreaming I realized it was in third person. I saw myself in a glass coffin, looking pretty much dead. I saw Luke standing there, he opened up the coffin and was going to do something. You were there and had a white rose. So Luke grows a pair of fangs and attacks me. Then, he looks at you and asks, ‘Want a drink?’

“You look like you know better, but come towards me. You put the rose in my hand, but instead of letting go on my hand. Staining the rose, you attack me too. Then, I kind of woke up.”

Mr. Thomas keeps a blank face and says, “You are being paranoid.”

“No I’m not. My dreams always symbolize something. It’s not like that will happen exactly, but it means something like that will happen.”

A weird look crosses his face, but before I can analyze the emotion it is gone. “So what do you think your dream is saying?” 

“Well other than there is a likely chance I will become a vampire,” I joke, knowing it will hit him right below the belt. It works, his expression becomes blank. “Or there is a fight between people or a person like you and Luke that will happen soon.”

“You seriously need a night out with your friends,” He tells me. 

“Everyone here hates me, remember?”

“Do you have a sibling?”


“Then have fun with them-”

“No, my brother could be the devil himself!” 

He chuckles, “I guess that means you are stuck with me.”

“Won’t people see us together and think something is up?” 

“Well you are 18, so technically it is fine, but I know a place where no one will know us.”


“Well when you have a lot of time on your hands you can find places. And since today is Friday, we don’t have to worry about time.”

“I have a feeling you are going to get me drunk,” I tell him. 

“Well in here in Alberta, you happen to be just old enough to drink. So I’ll be counting on you to know your limit,” He smirks. 

I drive home after giving him directions to my house. When I get home, my mother and Mark are not there. I go up to my room and put on a short tank top dress with a white top and the skirt has coral, hot pink, and purple layers. I put on coral wedges and grab a white clutch; and I put my auburn hair into a high ponytail.

As I finished up my makeup I hear the doorbell ring. I look out the window and sigh in relief seeing that it is only Mr. Thomas. I go downstairs and he is dresses in dark jeans and a dark blue v-neck shirt. “You look adorable,” He smiles. 

I look at him skeptically, but he isn’t lying. I feel my cheeks going pink, “Well you look very handsome.” 

We get in the car and he asks, “Why did you agree to come with me?”

“Well first of all you offered, but because I feel like you are the only person who can forgive me or believe my side of a story.” 

“That can’t be-”

“It is. That’s why I broke up with Luke. He didn’t believe I punched you. Although I’m not sure if he knew it was you or not, he didn’t seem to know and I didn’t say anything...”

“I vividly remember you punching me,” He chuckles.

“Uh yeah... after the past few days, I decided I’m going to apologize for that. I don’t really understand why your jaw isn’t bruised and my hand is, but I guess you aren’t Kelley. So sorry.” As I say this the obvious screams at me that he didn’t bruise and I did because he is a vampire.

“I’ll accept that, but I think you might need anger management.”

I narrow my eyes at him, “Maybe you do, Mr. I-stop-students-in-the-hallway-to-yell-in-their-face!”  

“I hope you don’t get angry when you drink.”

“I’ve never drank. So I’m hoping I’m not a light weight. I’m going to assume you aren’t and may or may not record me getting into a drunken brawl.” 

He rolls his eyes, “I would help you. If I didn’t people would find out we were at a club together.” 

We go to a club out of town, and after a few dances and drinks the whole night slowly fades into a blur.


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