Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student)

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Once Upon A Nightmare - The Emmys Show

Copyright 2012

*This section is a made-up book that I reference to frequently in the story*

All About Vampires


tags: blood, humans, origin, food, death

The complex race of vampires originally fed off of humans for their blood. They started off as humans drinking the blood of other humans before evolving into a new species with heightened senses and abilities. 

Vampires still need to drink blood to survive, but the source of the blood does not matter. When a vampire is thirsty or about to feed, his or her eyes become red. They are also about to eat and drink human cuisine, but they don’t need to. Usually, it is done to blend in with society or to feel human. 

If a vampire choses to not drink blood they will be weakened and either die of starvation, from the sun, or a goddess can step in and kill the vampire herself. 


tags: myths, coffins, sleep, essential, hunt, night, day, death, sun, burn, young, weak

Myths about vampires sleeping in coffins are untrue. Vampire can sleep anywhere, but sleep in not essential. The night is when they hunt and eat. They can sleep in the night if they wish, but if they decide to sleep vampire usually chose the morning. 

Burning in the sun myths are true to weakened vampires who have not fed in a few weeks or new vampires. After five months of being a vampire the sun is not as harsh and the burning effect of the sun is no longer effective unless they have starved themselves. Burning is one of the ways vampires can die.


tags: blood, venom, change, humans, heart, veins, feed

Vampires usually come from families - a male vampire impregnates a human woman. Of course, vampires will occasionally turn humans into vampires. 

The process is usually very quick. They human has to be close to death. If they are health then the vampire must inflict some sort of life threatening injury, but must not kill them. After that the vampire must bite their neck, to get to the heart the quickly, and inject venom. After the vampire must feed the human a small amount of their blood to help their bodies accept the change instead of shutting down.


tags: scars, goddess, blood, humans, young, love, hate, burning, swap

The mating process between vampires usually occurs when they are fully grown and are able to willingly swap their own blood.There have been cases where one of the Goddesses will step in and get young vampires to exchange blood without knowing until they meet in the future - usually these cases occur because the burning of the mates’ scars lead them to realize they’ve been marked. Only real mates are scarred, but the closer mates get the less the burning is apparent and eventually the scar fades, but the blood bond is still strong.

Humans can be be mated with vampires in rare cases. The human is chosen by a Goddess who has decided to become his or her guardian, he/she is marked and given his or her future mate’s blood. The young vampire is given some of the human’s blood and the same scar. When they meet it will be exactly as a vampire meeting his/her mate if the Goddesses have stepped in. The fighting will only make the burning worse and make the human weaker. 


tags: simple, hunting, protection, basic, survival, senses, heightened, complex

All vampires are granted simple powers for protection, hunting, and basic survival. Super-speed, super-strength, heightened-smell, super-hearing, heightened-taste, and heightened-sight are the most basic powers. 

With these touch is also heightened. Their skin is stronger than humans and can’t be bruised. They also have stronger emotions than humans. Since they have heightened senses, they have a more complex brain and more feeling can occur which make them able to experience such intense emotions as depression or ecstasy on a daily basis.


tags: powers, goddesses, abilities, extra

Some vampires are granted abilities that other vampires are not. These vampires can help them survive and are usually bestowed by the goddess who watches over them. These abilities can range from: Invisibility, mind reading, telepathy, psychic, telekinesis, empath, shielding, causing others pain or pleasure, elements, flying, transformation, removing or heightening senses, etc. 


tags: kingdom, humans, evil, good, blood, peace, war, goddesses, scar, psychic 

For centuries a kingdom who wants to live among humans and a kingdom who wants to enslave all humans will clash and fight relentlessly. Far away from all of this mayhem lives a psychic girl who unknowingly is the future princess of the good kingdom that wants to live in peace with humans. With the arrival of the psychic princess, the good kingdom will defeat the evil and the good kingdom will be allowed to flourish. Until she arrives her mark will continue to burn, even after she finds her mate because the evil kingdom will be trying to dispose of her. 

The Goddesses are the first family of vampires that have ever lived. Every vampire or human that will be a vampire is visited by a goddess at a young age. Some are marked for their mates, others are give special abilities and some are give prophecies to fulfill. The goddess keep vampires from exposing their secret to humans who will endanger their secret in anyway. Most vampires are good about this, but the ones who are reckless are tortured and killed.


tags: anger, lust, aroused, pupils, eyes, irises, dilate, invited, homes, houses, myth

When angered or aroused vampire’s pupils dilate almost covering their entire iris which becomes red. When they feed the pupil completely covers the iris unless it is from a mate - human or vampire. 

The myth about vampires having to be invited into a house is true. Any vampire must be invited by anyone who lives in the house or owns it. If they are not invited there is no way to get in. 

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