Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 5

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-Chapter 5-

I almost fear going to school the next day. What if Mr. Thomas is a vampire? That’s nonsense, I argue, if he was a vampire he would have killed the whole school. Should I even bring it up? No. He might think I’m crazy for assuming he is anything but human.

My last class, AP History, goes worse than expected when Mr. Thomas says, “Okay class, take out your essays.” Essay? I totally forgot to do my homework for this class with the fight with Mark, going to the asylum, and reading that damn vampire book. “Miss Williams, your essay?”

“I-i forgot to do it,” I say. I realize my scar is burning, but maybe it is one of the students in here - I don’t dare look up to face their glares. 

“Miss Williams, you keep digging the hole deeper for yourself, see me after school.”

“Anna just admit you are in love with Mr. Thomas,” Kelley, the girl from yesterday, sneers. Her jaw has an ugly purple, blue, and black pattern.

“Excuse me? I thought you would have learned your lesson yesterday, but I suppose not.”

“Why else would you keep on getting in trouble? It’s not like anything will happen, I mean look at you, why would anyone find you desirable?”

“Touche,” I smirk. “I mean with that bruise you look more like damaged produce.”

The bells buzzes and Mr. Thomas says, “Kelley go to the office. If I hear that you weren’t there you’ll be removed from AP History.”

I stay in my seat, regretting yesterday, “How many days detention?”

“None, but you are staying after today,” He tells me. 

I look up at him in shock, “What?!”

“I think it is a decent punish-”

“No! Why are you being so nice to me! I screamed at you yesterday and you don’t want to remove me from your class? I warned you that-”

“I figure you have a lot on your plate.”

“Why would that matter enough for you to care?” I ask. “I don’t want you to pity me.”

“What do you want me to do then?”

“Be brutal. Hate me like everyone else. Dislocate my jaw. I deserve it.”

“No. Do you want to make up your essay or do some work for me?”

“I have a choice?”

“Pick one.”

“What kind of work?” I ask skeptically. 

“Organizing books, papers. Easy stuff,” - I give him a look before he continues - “And... clapping erasers, brutal stuff.”

I almost want to laugh, but I don’t.  

“Is that brutal enough for you?”

“It’ll do,” I sigh.

“You work and I’ll talk,” He says giving me a stack of book to put on the empty shelf.

“About what?”

“You were talking about scars yesterday...”

“More like yelling, but I mentioned them.”

“What kind of scars?” I show him my wrist before I continue working. “How did you get that scar?”

I shrug, “It happened when I was little. Not something I really like talking about.” I think back to last night and how I was sick after realizing what that woman made me drink. 

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