Natural instinct

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This is set at the end of 2 x 19, when Alice is sitting on the stairs. It will cross over into 2 x 20 as well, so be prepared for spoilers if you haven't already watched the new episode!

"Hal don't you dare go to the police!" Alice shrieked as her husband walked away from her and headed towards the basement.
"Where are you going?!" She screamed through her tears.
Chic may have been an intruder, but she still had to protect him because of the incident. If he went down, so would she.
Hal wasn't taking Alice's situation into account. At this point he didn't care, he wanted chic gone. Away from his family. He completely ignored Alice, who was failing to get her point across. He brushed past her and headed for the basement.
"Hal stop it or I swear to god I'll-"
He spun around quickly pointing his finger into her face as she came rushing up to him.
„or you'll do what? Alice, I don't care what you say, he's leaving. After all, I want the best for our family"
"The best thing would be to stop, and let me decide what to do. You don't even know the half of it"
"God Alice! I'm not living with an intruder in my house!"
"Well that's not for you to decide! I'm the one who's at risk!"
He shot Alice another one of his evil looks before he opened the basement door and stormed down it.
"Now I want to know everythi-" hal started as he ran into the gloomy room. However it was empty. Nobody to be seen. Alice sighed in relief, knowing Hal couldn't hurt chic, but on the other hand she felt scared not knowing where he was. Her motherly instinct immediately kicked in and she started calling for Betty. After getting no response, she frantically ran up the stairs and began looking for her daughter, who too was nowhere to be seen.
"Betty!" She screamed, eventually realising she wasn't there however not wanting to give up.
Out of nowhere Hal appeared again.
"I'll go look for her" Hal said grabbing a leather jacket out of the wardrobe.
"Okay.." Alice bit her lip nervously.
Hal opened the door and left the house, leaving Alice alone. Although it was nothing compared to what she used to go through when she was younger, she still felt anxious. Usually she was able to put on a brave face and ignore whatever it was that was bothering her, but when it came to her children, she knew it was her top priority keeping them safe. If anything ever happened to them, she felt she would be the one to blame. As she was thinking about all this, she couldn't help thinking about the real Charles. It made her heart ache, knowing her son had been dead all of this time. Her breathing became unsteady and she began panicking again.
When she was younger she used to drink in order to calm herself down, and tonight she did just that. At this point, she didn't give a damn about the reputation she worked so hard to earn. It had all become too much, and she knew there was nothing she could do about it.
She walked over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine. She also got a glass and headed towards the staircase. She sat down on one of the steps and poured herself a drink, waiting for someone to come home. After what seemed like forever, she heard the front door open, and in cans Betty acting casual as ever. Without looking up, Alice asked Betty where she had been.
Betty told Alice she had brought chic away, to the bus stop. She began mentioning what happened after but soon stopped. Alice noticed the change in Betty's facial expression. She looked nervous, like something had hit her hard.
"Mom? Where's dad?"
Alice sighed remembering their argument earlier that night.
"He went out to look for you"
Betty's heart began pounding harder and this time Alice definitely knew something was up. Betty was lost for words as it dawned on her that her father was the blackhood all along. She knew she had to do something about it, and quickly.
"Mom.. we need to get out of this house"
"Betty why are you talking about?"
"I'd rather not say, but you need to find somewhere else to stay tonight"
"Betty you're scaring me, what the hell are you talking about?!"
"Mom!" Alice was taken aback at her daughters sudden outburst. Knowing everything that was going on in the town recently, and seeing that look in Betty's eyes made Alice believe something really was wrong.
"You have to trust me with this.."
"I trust you Betty"
"Good. Ok. Then.. go pack a bag, get some stuff.. I promise I'll sort this out"
Alice usually didn't let her 16 year old daughter order her around let alone tell her what to do, but something about this told Alice it was the right thing to do. Her daughter had been through so much lately, and was one of the only trustworthy people in the town.
Alice got up and headed to her room. She grabbed a bag and put some clothes in it. She also packed some toiletries, but that was all. She headed back downstairs and walked towards Betty.
"Be Safe honey.. ok?"
"I will Mom"
She pulled her daughter into a hug before leaving the house. She got into the station wagon and started the engine. She drove off, although she didn't exactly know where she was heading. She turned past the school, and through old habits ended up at the trailer park. She didn't hesitate. She got out of the car and walked straight up to the door, banging on it with her fist.

FP woke up to hear banging on the door. He looked over at the clock, which read 12:38. He thought about who could possibly be there so early in the morning. He sighed, getting up and heading towards the door. He opened it and saw Alice, shivering and a worried look upon her face. He didn't hesitate. He quickly grabbed her and helped her inside.
"Alice.. you ok?"
"Betty. It's Betty. Somethings wrong but she won't tell me. She said it would be safer for me to spend the night somewhere else, and this is the first place I though of."
"Yeah sure, you can have the couch"
"What's up with Betty?" Jughead said walking into the room.
"Jughead. I don't know but I'm worried about her. I don't know where she is, what she's doing. I trust her but-"
„I'll go look for her mrs cooper"
He grabbed his jacket and headed out. Alice put her head in her hands and paced around the room.
"Alice, I'm sure she's going to be just fine" FP said coming up behind Alice and resting his hands on her arms. She turned around and hugged him. She started bawling, tears staining Fps shirt but he didn't care.
„Come on Alice, you need to get some rest" FP said, guiding her over to the couch. She layed down and faced FP who was sat down on the floor next to her. He reached for a blanket and placed it around her. He also grabbed another cushion and placed it under her head. She just smiled at him. He loved how caring he was.
„Fp? Can you stay here for a while?"
„Of course" FP answered.
Alice yawned and her eyes began getting droopy. FP watched as her eyes flickered shut and her breathing became slow. He admired her. She was so beautiful he thought. He noticed a strand of hair fall in front of her face, and gently reached out to remove it. He pushed it back behind her ear, accidentally brushing her cheek as he did so. Afterwards, through natural instinct he reached for her hand, taking it into his own. He ran his fingers over hers, and noticed his eyes also becoming droopy. Still sitting on the floor next to her, he placed his head next to hers a drifted off to sleep.

About an hour or two later Betty burst though the door causing Alice to stir. She opened her eyes to see FP right next to her, their hands entwined. She smiled to herself as she watched him sleeping peacefully. She looked around the room and saw a flustered Betty. She immediately sat up causing FP to wake up. He immediately saw Betty.
"Betty!" Alice cried.
Betty walked over to her mother and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm ok mom, don't worry"
"How did you know I'd be here?" Alice asked
"I don't know, I figured.." she trailed off.
"Anyway it doesn't matter. But I want you to stay here tonight as well ok?"
"Yeah mom" Betty said, laying down next to Alice. Luckily the couch was big enough for the two of them to lay on. Alice could tell Betty was still scared about something so she just placed her arms around her and held her close to her. Betty nuzzled her head into her mother's chest and drifted straight to sleep.
FP had made his way into the kitchen, giving the two of them some privacy. He sat down at the table and watched Alice take care of Betty. Alice stroked Betty's hair and kissed her head gently. She looked over and caught FP staring at her. She couldn't help but smile.
Betty was now in a deep sleep, so she didn't realise jughead burst through the door. Alice, who was just drifting off was woken, and FP who was still awake and sitting at the table got up from where he was sat. Jughead glanced around the room and saw Betty curled up beside Alice. He looked closer and saw that alice was extremely exhausted and uncomfortable.
"Mrs cooper, I can take over if you like"
"That would be great jughead" she smiled at him "and Thankyou for trying to find her"
"No problem"
Alice slowly slid away from Betty and jughead took her place. He held Betty close to him and tried to get some sleep as well. Alice smiled looking at them, and felt some warm hands on her shoulders.
"You can have my bed if you want. You need to rest more than I do"
"Thankyou, but you can join if you like.. it wouldn't be the worst thing, sharing a bed with you"
"If you say so" FP said smiling at her.
They both headed into Fps room. They got into the bed and Alice immediately turned to FP. Once again though natural instinct, FP wrapped his arms around her and she placed her head on his chest. They both realised what they were doing but for some reason it didn't feel weird. It felt right. And it was right.

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