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So this kind of just came to me after watching 2x21. I know Jughead will be in the hospital next episode, so I decided to write about it! Hope you enjoy!

FP appeared, holding jughead in his arms. He was too shocked and hurt to say anything. Betty was equally as upset. Her first instinct was to help them. Jughead needed to her medical help and fast.

„Mr Jones, take my car. You need to get Jughead to the hospital. Now" FP nodded and headed towards the car. He placed Jughead in the backseat and then got into the drivers seat. Within seconds he was gone.

Bett turned and faced her friends who were speechless. Betty couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She collapsed in Toni's arms and bawled her eyes out.

After a few minutes, Betty was able to calm down. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She knew FP needed the car more than them, but they were now stranded in the middle of nowhere. After what happened to Jughead, they knew they had to get out of there as soon as possible. Her shaky fingers scrolled a few times before she dialled a number.

„Mom?!" Betty began, as she started crying again.

„Betty? Honey what's wrong? Are you ok?"

„M.. mom, jughead got hurt and.. and I let FP borrow the car.. we.. we're stuck here"

„Shhh shhh honey don't worry, I'm on my way ok? Stay calm, I'll find you"

Alice quickly grabbed her jacket and ran outside. She got into the station wagon and drove off. At first she wasn't sure where she was going, but she was able to track down Betty's phone, leading her straight to them. About 20 minutes later she had found them. She stumbled out of the car and ran towards her broken daughter, taking her right into her arms.

„Shhh it's ok, I'm here.. I've got you"

She cradled her daughter in her arms before helping her into the station wagon. Afterwards, she turned to Archie, Toni, Cheryl and sweetpea.

„You four, in the back. Now" she said pointing to the back seats.

They obeyed and got into the car. It was very tight, as the car was only meant for five, so toni found her way onto Cheryl's lap.

The drive to the hospital was long. It only took 20 minutes, but it felt like forever. During the drive Cheryl and Archie explained what had happened, while a still speechless Betty sat gazing out of the window, wishing she could forget everything she had witnessed that night.

Although she was very worried about jughead, Alice couldn't help but think about FP. What he was going through. She was equally as worried about him.

After the long ride, they finally pulled up in front of the hospital. Alice took Betty's hand and together they headed inside, closely followed by the others, who took a seat in the waiting room. Alice and Betty however searched for Jughead's room.

„Mom! It's here!" Betty yelled

„Okay, you go in.. I'll stay here ok?"


Betty turned the handle and entered the room. Alice watched as Betty sat down next to Jughead and took his hand into hers. She felt tears escaping her eyes at the sight. Suddenly she began crying uncontrollably. She wasn't entirely sure if it was because of Jughead or Betty, their current situation, it was just all so overwhelming. Little did she know, sweetpea, Archie, Cheryl and Toni all had a clear view of her from where they were sat in the waiting room. They had never seen Alice so broken. Cheryl was about to get up and comfort Alice, when she saw someone turn the corner.

Alice heard footsteps approaching her and quickly turned to see who it was. Standing in front of her was FP. He was distraught.

„FP.." she choked through her tears, before running up to him and pulling him into a tight embrace. He nuzzled his head deep down into her neck and let out a few tears. She held him close to her and stroked his back and hair trying to calm him down.

„FP I'm so sorry"

He just shook his head and buried it deeper into Alice's neck.

The four teens watched Alice and FP sharing the moment.

„I didn't know they were that close" Archie blurted out.

„Neither did I, probably because of Jug and betty" Cheryl replied.

They watched as the two pulled apart and started talking. They watched as FP stuttered, lost for words. They watched FP let out a few words and they watched Alice burst into tears.
Alice began collapsing into FP's arms, but he caught her and held her up.

"Alice.. I.. can't.. Ali.." he tried to control his breathing, "Ali.. I.. I've already lost one son.. I can't.. can't lose another"

He watched the tears begin falling down her face again, but this time more than before. She lost control and started falling, FP catching her.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have.. have brought it up"

"FP.." Alice said locking eyes with him "jughead will be fine. He's going to pull through, I know he will"

At this point they were both crying harder than before. FP pulled Alice back into an embrace and they stayed there for a few minutes until Alice pulled away.

"Come on, you need to get some rest. Don't worry jughead is being taken care of" she said looking over at Betty through the window, who was at Jughead's side"


"Ok, come on" she said taking his hand and guiding him into the waiting room. She sat down next to him and placed her head into Fps shoulder. He stroked her hand and held onto it tightly. Just being close to Alice made him feel safer and calmer. They both drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later, FP woke up. He looked around the room and saw that most of the people still there were also asleep. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 3 in the morning. He looked down at Alice who was cuddled up in his arms. He smiled to himself as he watched her sleep peacefully. He felt her shake slightly and noticed she was cold. He reached down beside him and picked up his jacket. He covered Alice with it and placed his arm back around her. He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead before drifting back off to sleep.
Little did he know, Archie, Toni, sweetpea and Toni had seen the whole thing...

A few hours later Betty woke up to the sound of birds chattering. She looked over at Jughead and then at his monitor. She smiled as she saw his breathing was steady and he was ok. She decided to go and see if FP was still there, and let him know that Jughead was doing well. She headed into the waiting room and saw him, only she didn't expect to see him cuddled up to her mother. The two were peacefully sleeping so she didn't want to wake them, however she was definitely going to confront them about it later...

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