I'm sorry

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(On the phone)

„FP? Hey, what's wrong?"

„What's wrong is that you told Betty!"

„Told Betty What?"

„You know exactly what what I'm talking about, don't act so innocent"

FP waited for a response but all he heard was sobs on the other end of the line.

„Shit I'm sorry Al"

There was still no response. All he could hear were Alice's muffled cries.


Her cries were silenced and a beeping sound followed indicating she had hung up.

„Crap" FP exhaled.

He looked at the time and saw it was still quite early. He didn't even think twice about getting up and leaving the trailer. He raced out to his truck and immediately as off.

The journey didn't take long but he was constantly worried about Alice. She was most likely alone and he had just gone off on her for no reason. She probably didn't have a choice but to tell Betty, he thought.

He pulled up outside her house and ran up the steps and to the front door. Knowing she probably wouldn't answer, he reached into the flowerpot next to the door and retrieved a key. Alice originally put it there for him to sneak in at night.

He quietly opened the door so he wouldn't scare her. He silently made his way into the front room to see a heartbroken Alice on the couch, her head buried into a cushion.

FP's heart broke as he watched her. It was never his intention to make her feel that way. He was just caught up in the moment.

He slowly made his was over to the couch and sat down next to her.

Alice felt his presence and instantly knew it was him. She didn't bother moving from her position though. She wasn't sure if she was mad at him or just over emotional.

He gently rested a hand on her back and started rubbing in circular motions. It almost immediately calmed her down. She couldn't stay mad at the one person who made her safe.

After a while she gave in. She pulled away from the cushion and looked at FP. Her bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks broke FP completely. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him, never wanting to let go.

"I'm so sorry Al"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for telling Betty about what happened. It's just-" her voice broke as she erupted into tears again,"I don't want them going through the same thing we went through, FP. That game is dangerous and she deserved to know. For her safety"

"I know, you had to tell her. It was for the best. I'm sorry I flipped. I was just worried"

"I know. I should've consulted you first"

"Al it's ok. It's my fault. Please, I hate seeing you like this"

Alice pulled away from their embrace and stared at him. Just seeing him put her in a better mood. She smiled and leaned in to kiss him gently.

"Thank you"

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For being here. I need you right now"

"You know I'd do anything for you" he smiled

"Stay here tonight"

"Of course"

FP laid down next to her and pulled a blanket over them both. Alice tucked herself into FP's side and started drifting off.

FP gently stroked her hair and placed a delicate kiss on to her forehead.

"I love you Alice" he whispered.

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