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Disclaimer: the beginning talks about other characters, but like all of my chapters, it has to do with falice

"Ok Archie, the court has set a date and luckily it's in two days time" Sierra told Archie, who was sitting behind bars at the sheriffs station.

"Ok, what have I got to say? What are they going to ask me?" Archie asked, obviously terrified of the whole situation.

"You've got to tell the truth, even if that means getting someone else into trouble. I know it's hard, but it's your best shot at getting out if you tell the truth"

"But there's more to it"

"I know, but believe me Archie, it's the best thing you can do"

"I suppose so.."

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? Sleep on it, think wisely"

Sierra got up from where she was sat and walked out of the sheriffs station. On her way out, she passed Tom Keller, who looked at her sympathetically.

"Tom, do everything you can to get him out. It's not fair"

"I know, and I am. It's not that easy though"

She sighed and left the building, driving straight to Pop's. When she got there, she went straight inside and headed towards the back of the diner. Sat in one booth, were Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Kevin and Josie, and in the other were Hermione, Mary and Fred.

"What's the word?" Fred asked.

"Court date is in two days, and you've all been asked to attend. Might help Archie's case"

"We'll be there" Veronica said, determinedly.

"Good. Now where are Alice and FP?" Sierra asked, looking around the diner, but there was no sign of them.

"My moms out of town for a few days. Some sort of business convention" Betty said.

"Yeah, and my dads got some serpent business he needs to take care of" jughead added.

"Ok" Sierra said, cautiously.

She knew what FP and Alice used to get up to in school back in the day. She had her suspicions, but didn't want to say anything, especially not in front of the teens.


Two days later:

"You guys ready?" Betty asked.

They were all gathered outside the court room, ready for Archie's trial. Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Josie, Kevin, and all the parents, except for FP and Alice.

Veronica looked at the watch on her wrist. It was already 12:10 and the trial was supposed to start at 12.

Another 20 minutes later, and they were all growing impatient. They decided to go and sit down on the benches all the way across the hall. It was busy, so they didn't want to get in anyone's way.

"Did you at least ask if your parents are available?" Fred asked Betty and jughead.

"They didn't return our calls" Jughead said.

"Oh ok. So what are they both up to?"

Betty was about to answer and tell fred that she had no idea, when there was a loud bang. They all turned their attention to the end of the hall, where a set of doors swung open.

Out came Alice. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked away from the room. She had her hands on her head and was silently cursing to herself. She was at the other end of the hall, so there was very little chance of her seeing them, however they all had a clear view of her. Someone must have called something to her because she suddenly began yelling. It was hard to hear what she was saying, because it was very busy.

„Leave me alone! It's done! I'm done with this bullshit!"

She carried on yelling until someone else came out of the room.

"Is that?" Jughead said peering at the man who had just left the room.

Sure enough it was FP. He quickly ran after Alice, but she swatted him away. She looked hurt and sad.

"Just leave me alone FP"

"Hell no"

"God FP! Why can't you just worry about your own problems instead of mine?!"

"Because you need my help! There is no way I am leaving you here by your self. Besides, the only thing I'm worrying about right now is you."

"You don't mean that" Alice said, calming down a bit.

"You know I mean every word I just said"

Alice just turned her head and closed her eyes, biting down on her lip and letting a few tears escape, because she knew damn well he meant what he said.

"No, no, Hey, don't cry" he said putting his arms on her shoulders, trying to get her to turn around.

Instead she just squirmed, trying to get out of his grip. She realised he wasn't going to give up, so she just let herself melt into his arms. She began sobbing uncontrollably and slowly began slipping, almost collapsing on the floor. Luckily, FP was able to hold her up. He didn't let go until she began calming down. Once she did, he pulled away, resting his hands on her hips. He reached up and placed a hand on her cheek, pulling her towards him so he was able to place a kiss on her forehead.

The entire group watched in confusion and disbelief as they saw what was happening. Betty and jughead especially had so many questions. Their faces said it all.

They all snapped out of their gaze, as a man approached them, telling them the judge was ready and the trial was starting.

Why do you think Alice and FP were in court?

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