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It was a crowded scene as the place was fully packed with the weekend shoppers. I went to the books section which is my favourite part of the mall before moving on to the movies section. 

I picked Purple Hibiscus, Zarah The Windseeker, Born On Tuesday and Diaries Of A Dead African. They were the first four books that caught my attention on the shelf. 

My love for movies was something else but my love for books was on another level. Words can't  describe my love for them. These days people go to the cinema, or just download the movies they want to watch but I prefer buying them as CDs. 

"Here Miss." I passed over the books to the cashier. 

"30 Rand."  She replied with a smile. 

I passed the cash over to her and left immediately. I was sure going to miss Nelson Mandela Square, my favourite place in Johannesburg. 

I was sure going to miss South Africa too. It has grown on me after all these years. 

"Assalamu alaikum Maama." I spoke into the phone.  

"Wa Alaikumussalam

"I'm on my way to the airport right now. My flight is in the next two hours In Shā Allah, so you should be expecting your favourite son soon." I said with a wide grin on my face. 

"Oh Allah am. This boy you won't kill me. Allah ya kawo ku lafiya ( may Allah bring you back safely)," she prayed. 

I just love this woman too much. Nobody believes that she's actually my stepmother because of how close we are.

"Ameen ya Rabbi" with that I hung up and started thinking about all the things I've missed at home. I can't wait to be home again.
I've missed Nigeria, the people, their sense of humour, the homemade cooked meal, even though sometimes I eat it here at Umm Aliyas house. Umm Aliya is Mama's best friend. I've missed my family, I've missed everything about it. 

At exactly 2:00PM South African time Boeing 737 taxied and flew out of the airport. Swiftly it moved upward, gradually gaining altitude. A few minutes later, the plane have pierced through the cloud and settled above them.


I saw a tall masculine figure coming from afar. He looked very familiar and he was smiling but I failed to recognise him since he was still far.

I dismissed that, and  turned to leave the parking lot of the Bistro when I heard someone shout  "Chatterbox!"

The voice. 
I know that voice. 

"Sageer!" I screamed running to meet him.

"Fareeda you should wake up! You've been crying in your sleep." 
Maryam said tapping me. 

"Ya Allah! It was a dream, it was all a dream." 
I said clasping my hands against my face and crying more.

"Fareedah you should please stop crying, you are making me cry too." 
She said while wiping my tears on my cheeks. 

"Maryam don't pity me please."

"Okay then. You should get up and wash your face, then we'll go out. Alright?"

"Okay. But where are we going to? Because I look pale and sick."
"Ya Fahad and Ya Saif are going to the airport to pick Ya Yusuf up. So they said we should come with them since Zee has gone to see her in-laws."

"Ya Allah! I don't want Ya Fahad to see me this way. So I'll not go." I said with a pout. 

"But if you refuse to go that's when he'll suspect something is up. So just dress let's go."

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