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Harry's POV

I'm sitting in the library doing homework, but I can't help but stop and check my phone every 30 seconds in the hopes that I got a new message.

Disappointed in myself, I sigh and check for the fourth time, biting my lip when I see that I still haven't gotten a reply. Maybe this louis guy just isn't interested. He is so far away anyways.

But a few minutes later, I do get a message from Louis, and it's flirtier than I expected.

"That's what I thought. I like your eyes by the way."

He liked my eyes? Well everybody liked my eyes. They're big and green and that's rare, so people find them attractive.

But even though I've heard it dozens of times before, it feels more special coming from Louis for some reason. More intimate. More personal.

I know I should wait to reply back, but I'm inpatient. Who cares what he thinks of me, right? We're just talking.

Me: "Thanks. I like yours too. Nice and blue. And your beard."

I love facial hair on a guy. I truly do.

Louis: "Haha. Well thank you. What are you up to? It's Friday :)"

I frown. It's Friday and I don't have plans... because, well, when do I ever have plans? It's just a consequence of the loner lifestyle.

Me: "Nothing. Just gonna do homework and watch TV. I'm pretty boring."

Louis: "not boring, just practical. I'm going to the homecoming game with some old friends. Gonna get pretty drunk! Haha."

Me: "Cool."

We can just end the conversation there right? I'm a loser, he's a social butterfly. There's no way this would ever work. But Louis continues.

Louis: "you sound a little bitter if you don't mind me asking...?"

Me: "I am. That's just my persona. I'm a super bitter and sarcastic person. Probably why I have no friends."

I cringe. Too much?

Louis: "Hmm. Well, I used to be quite like that. I was sort of a lone wolf my second year of uni."

Me: "Really? I mean yeah I'm third year but I guess my friendships faded out... Dunno.."

Louis: "Well don't beat yourself up about it. Happens to the best of us."

Me: "thanks. That's actually pretty nice. Most of the men I talk to on here are assholes..."

What? It's the truth.

Louis: "Haha. How so?"

My thumbs can't text fast enough.

Me: "There we're guys who were like aggressively physical before. Not fun. Another one was a dealer. Another lied about his age - was only 17, a minor. And another, I dated for a while and he ended up never saying "I never liked you, you were just a good Fuck" and never talking to me again."

Wow. That was definitely too much information. But I needed to get that off my chest. I also didn't really care what this louis character thought about me. Sure he was cute, and he gave me a near heart attack every time he responded. But he wasn't real - he wasn't someone I would see on the street tomorrow. It was like messaging with a sexy robot.

Louis: "wow, that's rough. I mean I've had bad experiences too. One girl ended up leaving mid date immediately after she finished her food. And one guy invited me over and was already naked."

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